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Vines Of Soul   -   details

Music is a reflection of people's life, and the deep emotions of joy and despair that run through Vines Of Soul's music illustrate the levels of intensity that these four Spaniards and one Englishman experience in their existence.

Creating the ultimate passages of dark and light, quiet and passion and a sense of escapism, Vines Of Soul's voyage encompasses a classy rock sound that combines an infectious energy with a startling ear for shimmering melody and moments of angelic beauty, ensuring that they aren't limited by genre-defining boundaries and possess the ability to do exactly what they choose.
At a time when the rock scene is overrun with bands more obsessed with their hair straighteners and eyeliner than their music, the world needs something new. It needs a band who has only two aims in life - to write big, fat, intelligent rock songs with guts and melody and have a bloody great time doing it. Enter Vines Of Soul- they might just be Spain’s best-kept secret and with hits like “Thinking About” they look set to blast their way into the spotlight.

Vines Of soul draws on diverse influences from the timeless sound of US rock like Pearl Jam, the weight and power of Red Hot Chilli Peppers and the conscious lyrical genius of legends such as Bob Marley or John Lennon, all unpretentiously fused together like some kind of musical alchemists. As a result their music is almost impossible to pin down, and all the better for it. It's melodic yet ballsy, upbeat yet frequently sensitive, and youthfully energetic, but arranged with maturity and style. It is unashamed pop rock of the kind that soundtracks your summers and brightens up your winters. You're going to love it!

It all began in the spring of 2003. Five good friends Nick, Rafa, Raul, Dominic and Jordi came together to pursue a vision. Their vision was to create the most original, emotionally-driven music anyone has ever heard.

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