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Subject: Warning, s/n users

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Original Message 1/21                 Date: 15-Apr-01  @  06:25 PM   -   Warning, s/n users


Posts: 20

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Foue months ago, I loaded the latest OS, beta version,
My s/n started to malfunction and had to take in for repairs. I still don`t have my synth back, and returned to me twice with some sort of malfunction. I`ll never buy novation again, its not a bad synth but too delicate and extremely difficult to repair unless you send it to novation in the U/k. I live in the middle east and am currently 1 synth less. Apparently Novation has a reputation for sloppy manufacture and faulty goods.....

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Message 2/21                 Date: 15-Apr-01  @  10:13 PM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users


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I dont know where you heard about novations so-called bad rep my friend as your source has it totally wrong. Novation make fine products that last very well indeed as long as they are taken care of.
Whilst i do sympathise with your situation , i imagine you would have been better sending your supernova back to the uk in the first place. You`d probably have got your synth back in half the time and the repairs would more than likely have come with some kind of guarantee. After all, would you take your porsche to a fiat garage for a service?
Hope you get it sorted man .

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Message 3/21                 Date: 17-Apr-01  @  05:00 PM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users


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out of interest, who was the people you sent it for repairs to?... a registered novation dealer??.. - "Apparently Novation has a reputation for sloppy manufacture and faulty goods"

apparently from who's information?.. the dealer who cant get it fixed?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/21                 Date: 17-Apr-01  @  05:17 PM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users


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so did you buy it from Maroms?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/21                 Date: 19-Apr-01  @  09:49 AM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users

Gitai Adir

Posts: 20

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Yes I did buy from Maroms, A few months back, there was a thread of some pissed novation clients who bought the s/n2 keyboard brand new only to find out it was not working properly, they complained about sloppy manufacture....the second I get back the s/n, if it works properly, I`m going to sell it, fuc `em, the fustration has done wonders for my creativity, I`ll get the omega-8, I can get a good price, but hush that is a secret!

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Message 6/21                 Date: 19-Apr-01  @  02:21 PM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users

Gitai Adir

Posts: 20

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I just recieved news that the board is fucked, Maroms offered to replace the board free of charge, I`m impressed, they promised to return it within two days....Novation should not release an os that can cause a synth to malfunction.....

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Message 7/21                 Date: 19-Apr-01  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users


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so... you are 'IMPRESSED' ?.. let me get this straight, this dealer sent you back TWO fucked repairs costing you months of work time, then they tell you board is fucked now meaning MORE WAITING and you are IMPRESSED? - er... oh wait.. and it's Novations fault in the Uk.. man, no offense, but you beleive any old crap you get told by the sound of it..


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/21                 Date: 20-Apr-01  @  04:22 AM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users


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I have to say that I feel your pain for sure, but Novation and the SN has been good to me. No problems and they responded directly to me by telephone although I'm in the U.S. about a question that had to do with my own lack of general knowledge about synths when I first got it. Sometimes it really is more the local dealership trying to pass the responsibility. I hope you get set up soon dude. Middle East...cool. What kind of music do you do?

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Message 9/21                 Date: 20-Apr-01  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users

Gitai Adir

Posts: 20

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Think of it `k`, they could have been assholes and asked me to pay which they did`ent, I`m at their mercy, the guy at the lab is the one I would like to bite into, I can`t really blame `Marom`, at the end of the day if I get my synth back and its working I`ll be happy. My synth was working fine untill I loaded the new o.s, it worked for awhile and suddenly `bang`, the screen was constantly flashing, since I got it there where a few problems with it especially the filter knob which could not accurately portray my filterings, via midi it was okay but still....on the first day I got it I could not program a setup untill I unplugged the midi cable, it was`ent a 100% EVER. I spoke to a friend at a synth shop(not maroms) and he told me that if a s/n becomes faulty it is difficult to repair and that a few people had problems with their synths, if it works hassles free then u r lucky. Even the demo s/n at maroms has a problem with the filter knob, I`ve lost faith in Novation.....
Hey Sitar, what up in the USA ? I`m into techno, trance, underground, I wanna load a track into dancetech !I would cherish any feedback, but don`t know how,, what format....and then...Help me out `k`, ..anyway till the next time----peace

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Message 10/21                 Date: 20-Apr-01  @  11:15 PM   -   RE: Warning, s/n users


Posts: 12353

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what?.. what am i sposed to do?.. dont you have retail laws in Israel.. ?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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