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Subject: should you buy a nord lead?

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Original Message                 Date: 01-May-01  @  11:10 PM   -   should you buy a nord lead?


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it happens a lot.. people say 'i like the nl but there are no fx and i get more immediately satisfying results with a jp8k..' (usually heard in combination with.. 'i don't understand all this!' ...)

i can't allow this to happen again!!! ;)

a month or so ago someone asked me for a file of the nl on alone with an fx unit so they could judge it competitively.

if you check the link, there's a track 'lead + fx' which is exactly this.. nl1 plus lexicon mpx500. pretty generic trance style sounds. enjoy.

for more radical raw nl1 sounds, check my file on clavia.se mp3 page  

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Message 11/16                 Date: 07-May-01  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: should you buy a nord lead?


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Hee hee  


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Message 12/16                 Date: 09-May-01  @  11:52 PM   -   RE: should you buy a nord lead?


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I see you`re finally seeing sense now Craig, top bloke. You have a virus too right? I like the virus  

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Message 13/16                 Date: 10-May-01  @  02:10 PM   -   RE: should you buy a nord lead?


Posts: 2707

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Yes, I have a Virus A and a Nord Lead I. I have no need for any further VAs. Even though I really wish my Virus would grow keys after playing with the NL keyboard so much lately. It's a long story, but it was gone for almost a year, and I've now had it back almost a year and it really is a classic. I personally believe people will be paying way too much money 20 years from now for keyboard-version NL1s  

Hey, people thought the TB was worthless when it came out, right?

Anyways, if I could only keep one, it'd be the Virus still. I just love that box. But the NL is fantastic as well. Not as much of a workhorse, and not quite as flexible, but still fucking great  


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Message 14/16                 Date: 24-May-01  @  04:44 PM   -   RE: should you buy a nord lead?


Posts: 60

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Are there any differences in the overall sound character of the NL1 and the NL2. I know what features are different, but are the OSCs and Filters essentially the same?

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Message 15/16                 Date: 27-May-01  @  03:23 PM   -   RE: should you buy a nord lead?


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I think the filters are different on the 2 but the oscillators are the same.

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Message 16/16                 Date: 29-May-01  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: should you buy a nord lead?


Posts: 2707

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The filter on the 2 is slightly different. It's got a saturation stage and maybe one more mode? I think there's also some differences in the LFO/arp and what destinations you can assign them to.


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