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Subject: new tracks...

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Original Message 1/17                 Date: 07-May-01  @  07:28 PM   -   new tracks...


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Hey guys!!!
I finally found time to upload some of my tracks on mp3.com
check www.mp3.com/sigmadelta

any opinions, positive or negative, are appreciated =)

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Message 2/17                 Date: 09-May-01  @  02:28 AM   -   RE: new tracks...


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yeah it's ok some of it. it's mixed a bit harsh tho.. you sure you aint got too much treble absorbancy in your studio or your ear's are fucked ?, cos there's way too much tops for me...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/17                 Date: 09-May-01  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: new tracks...


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No my ears ain`t fucked I guess but maybe your speakers are ;-)

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Message 4/17                 Date: 09-May-01  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: new tracks...


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hey... listening on BEST quality cans mate as it goes to hi-fi file... & i'm telling ya, (notwithstanding what encoding to an mp3 might have done with the bias), played loud in a club that'd fry the tops... and ears.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/17                 Date: 09-May-01  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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Hmmm, I agree with k - on "Funklock" the 808 snare is VERY loud in the mix and that snare is well known for blowing tweeters in NS10s. Are you using an exciter or something? The tracks that I listened to did sound very bright and an enhancer or exciter are usually the cause, I must admit when I am doing a mix sometimes I put a little bit on, then after a while your hearing gets used to it and it doesn't sound bright enough so you add some more and so on. What speakers are you using as monitors? Maybe they are a bit dull on treble and high mid? I'm not trying to be clever or anything as I know you are not a newbie (your 909 site is fucking excellent BTW) Good tracks though, nice and minimal, and apart from the brightness well produced, nice effects etc.

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Message 6/17                 Date: 10-May-01  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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Hey oldschool, thanks for your detailed and objective critics!!! Yeah I`m using the Behringer Ultrafex2, which sounds very cool in my opinion. But I use moderate settings on it. Anyways I gonna have a look at the trebles in the future.. thanks guys!! My monitors are Tannoy Reveal active. But I always checked the tracks on my Magnat hifi speakers and my Sennheiser headphones too and they sounded correct for me.. And due to a fft of the stuff, the trebles are not too high. I know that human ears are much more complex that you could describe their behaviour with a simple fft-print, so I gonna keep that treble problem in mind. Yeah and you´re absolutely right : after producing some hours at high levels you ears get very tired and the trebles seem to be gone, hehe =) It`s always a good idea to do the final mixdown on the next day with fresh ears.

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Message 7/17                 Date: 10-May-01  @  09:12 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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btw damn the subdomain of my 9o9 site seems to be down...
just try http://members.tripod.de/raf909/

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Message 8/17                 Date: 10-May-01  @  10:44 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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I totally agree with the mixing on fresh ears theory. I think it was more the high mids than the treble that stood out to me.

Once I had a slight buildup of wax in my ears (prolly due to monitoring too loud thru cans) and I didn't really notice, but then suddenly I went completely deaf in one ear apart from low frequencies below about 250Hz, anyway I went to the Doctor and got them syringed, and for a few days my ears were extremely sensitive to high frequencies. After they had settled down I was listening to some of my stuff I had recorded before and they sounded REALLY bright. Luckily I just remastered them though an eq and they were fine. Worth a try?
Another thing which I think is important is to monitor at a medium level, If you monitor too low then you tend to knock the bass up too high and if you monitor too loud you over compensate for the treble and upper mids. Where I live at the moment I can only monitor at quite low levels and I have found that some of my mixes were too bass heavy, I tell you, its a fine art getting a mix to sound right. A tip I picked up from a friend who's been in the game for years is to do the original mix, then reset the mixer totally and do another mix, then again reset and re-record again, also do one mix with enhancer and compression and one without, then your demos can sound bright and punchy but when your stuff gets pressed use the unprocessed mix, using the cutting plants vastly superior outboard and the (hopefully) experienced cutting engineers years of knowledge.

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Message 9/17                 Date: 11-May-01  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: new tracks...


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one thing is you NEVER add your enhancer after reverb.. add the enhancer to a dry mix, then add reverbs etc - the tunes are ok tho... are you going to add some to this site's music-section perchance?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/17                 Date: 11-May-01  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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lol@the wax story =)
Hey good idea to do several mixes of each track! But tThe problem is when you record your tracks on the fly without Cubase or so you will not only get different mixes but different tracks. But I totally agree : to do a good mix you need strong nerves and a bottle of Jack D. =)

Good point about the enhancer before the reverb. Never thought about that. But how should I do that when I use the reverb for single sounds like drums and then put the whole mix through the enhancer...

what is that music-section perchance used for?? I just subscribed here some days ago and didn`t check all the new features... but surely I can join it!!

One thing I always thought about was the order how to chain enhancer, denoiser and compressor in the main mix. I use the Behringer Denoiser and the Composer together with the Ultrafex which is a good trio in my opinion. The manuals reccomend following order:Denoiser->Enhancer->Compressor...
any other ideas???

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Message 11/17                 Date: 11-May-01  @  08:01 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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Hey raf, I really like your tunes man, Proper acid how it should be!! you can check out what traxx i've got if you want , it's not acid but I think it's alright! JE5

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Message 12/17                 Date: 13-May-01  @  04:44 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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Hey JE5 I especially like your "Scapegoat" ! Fuckin`dope track!! Cool live feeling and nice realtime tweaks on the 9o9... that a real 9o9, right?? I just heard a lofi version of the track, so I can`t identificate it exactly *lol* Have you got your tracks saved on mp3.com or any similar site??

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Message 13/17                 Date: 15-May-01  @  05:43 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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no it's not a real 909 unfortunatly! It's a drumstation (can't afford a real 909 at the minute) But all the trax I do are done live and on the fly and I don't use any computer sequncer.

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Message 14/17                 Date: 16-May-01  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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Well done! I listened to "Funklock" and found it to be very relaxing acid-stuff... have no comments on your mixing right now. I'll listen to some more tommorow.



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Message 15/17                 Date: 25-May-01  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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i listened to funklock and cellar96 both wicked tunes man, well done. IMO both as good as each other.

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Message 16/17                 Date: 25-May-01  @  02:07 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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btw try posting this in the tracks forum to see what response you get there=)

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Message 17/17                 Date: 26-May-01  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: new tracks...


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Hey thanks!!
Great idea!! Just did it =)


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