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Subject: VA's

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Original Message                 Date: 08-Apr-01  @  11:15 AM   -   VA's


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Just curious, but which desktop/small-keyboard VA would you take:
Roland JP-8080
Waldorf Q Rack
Waldorf micro-Q Keyboard (when it's released)
Novation Nova
Clavia Nord Rack 2
Korg MS-2000 Keyboard
Access Virus b

All of these are roughly $750-$1200us. Which one would you say has the most cryptic interface (I like that sorta thing)? Which has the most modulation posibilities? I don't much care about the sound, as effects and careful planning can change everything. How do the knobs feel, and do the send CC's, and not those heinous nrpn's? How noisy is it? Is midi sync on the ball, or does it lag? How is the vocoder in them, in other words, does it function? I have all the info/sounds from Keyboard magazine about the vocoders, I just wanted to hear some opinions. I've heard alot of mp3s of all these, I haven't been able to play with any of them, I live hundreds of miles from anywhere that carries them.

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Message 11/37                 Date: 17-Apr-01  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: VA's


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I would take the nord without a seconds hesitation. The weakest architecture, but that interface counts for a lot in my book.

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Message 12/37                 Date: 17-Apr-01  @  02:37 PM   -   RE: VA's


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You can modulate the filter routing on the Virus, although not in the same way I think you're talking about. Virus also has Digital waves. Like I said, it's different than the Q but BY NO MEANS INFERIOR!!! And I shouldn't have to remind you that not eveyrone considers "Waldorf Sound Quality" to be an advantage ;-) Personally, I don't like the sound of the Q. Doesn't mean it's not a great box.


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Message 13/37                 Date: 17-Apr-01  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: VA's


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fair enough Devs, beauty being in the eye/ear of the beholder, but I'd still say that the Q is more flexible, and can get MUCH wierder, than the Virus. The Virus is bad ass too, but not nearly the beast that the Q is. The Q is sort of like a modular, sort of FM, sort of wavetable, sort of analog modeling, but not really any of those things. It is it's own beast and not for everyone. I love mine, and so do the thousands that dance to what it does, so that's good enough for me for the moment.

Godemp, go have fun with whatever your rude self decides to get. The pearls have been cast, and the swine have turned to trample. My mistake. Have a better one.


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Message 14/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: VA's

Defector Z


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Ape, calling someone else rude... heh-heh...

You're all right, although Ape, thousands of people dance to lots of other things, too, so that as a litmus test doesn't say much. I love the "my synth is better than yours" argument though.

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Message 15/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  03:54 PM   -   RE: VA's


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Yeah, sometimes kinda gets to "I have a bigger dick than you" proportions.

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Message 16/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  06:39 PM   -   RE: VA's


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Def, you may prod and poke but keep in mind who is onstage, putting out records, touring the world, actually seeing what others onstage use and the effects thereof, and who has a day job and reads about it. These are matters of personal choice in most cases, but give very different insights, with varying degrees of clarity. You've got my CD. Try to duplicate some of the more nasty noises on it, cycle for cycle, and get back to me. It might be educational. You never know.


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Message 17/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: VA's


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I would probably have to agree with you that the Q is more flexible and can get wierder. And I appreciate your expertise, and where you're coming from.. I simply took exception to the "blows away" remark by Aaron - it wasn't really fair, and in the interest of that fairness I thought I should respond.

Remember it wasn't that long ago when people were having the same argument about the Virus vs. the Nord  


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Message 18/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  07:39 PM   -   RE: VA's

Defector Z


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No disrespect Ape, but the fact that you make one kind of noise, and someone wants to make another is very important. I DO have a cd of yours, and I like it very much and listen to it frequently, but that also doesn't mean that I want to make the same noises. As I have different gear than you, I CAN'T make the same noises. Every post you make further demonstrates that you have very different views on what you think is right, but that doesn't mean you ARE right. You're entitled to your opinion... ahhh fuck it. I'm the latest in a long list of folks to make this argument.

Again - no disrespect, but I'm gonna disagree with you politely and move on. Peace.

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Message 19/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  08:37 PM   -   RE: VA's

Defector Z


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Oh - and attacking my credibility because I have a day job doesn't support your argument, or invalidate mine.

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Message 20/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: VA's


Posts: 2003

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Def, perhaps you miss my point. The idea is not simply emulate, it is in fact to divine, thus broadening your own base. Learning rules to learn how to break them. So what if you don't reproduce cycle for cycle? In the process of trying, you will learn things that you WILL want to use.

And it's not the day job itself, it's what it keeps you from doing otherwise. Come on, man. I would hope you understand me a little better than that.


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