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Subject: Contol voltages

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Original Message 1/3                 Date: 02-May-01  @  10:00 AM   -   Contol voltages


Posts: 23

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i've got a superbass station and apparently it can control non midi equipment by sending CV. i know nothing about this, but my mate reckons that this means i could control the cut off & res etc. on his big brair mooger fooger using the bass station. anyone fancy giving me a really quick idjuts guide to CV and stuff? Like, how does it work, what kind of parameters can be controlled etc...

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Message 2/3                 Date: 09-May-01  @  08:23 AM   -   RE: Contol voltages

Brett B

Posts: 781

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no you probably can't control the mooger fooger with the bass station. It sends a control voltage and a gate. Note information and a triger to open the envelop. You could use it to control vintage synths, but only the note(control voltage) and the gate. You may be able to use control voltage to adjust a non note parameter, but it will be in steps that are eqaul to the note frequencies. I used my bass station to sequence my 101. any other kinds of midi to control voltage would need a kenton or similar device that you can assign midi controlers to send specific control voltages and gates.

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Message 3/3                 Date: 16-May-01  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: Contol voltages


Posts: 23

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Cheers Brett,
Steps - equal to note frequencies - ah, now i'm beginning to get a glimmer of understanding... OK, since i posted this original message, i've picked up a lovely little analog filter box... it has CV inputs for hi pass freq, hi pass res, low pass freq and low pass res and the blurb that came with it says that you can use a "splitter" lead that will enable you to control two parameters (ie low pass & hi pass res) at the same time... i've also got a super bass station - yours can send note info to the 101, can it control (for example) cut off and res?? i've had a look in my manual and it seems a bit patchy on CV stuff and i have no clue at all about this, i've only ever used midi...

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