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Subject: VA's

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Original Message                 Date: 08-Apr-01  @  11:15 AM   -   VA's


Posts: 79

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Just curious, but which desktop/small-keyboard VA would you take:
Roland JP-8080
Waldorf Q Rack
Waldorf micro-Q Keyboard (when it's released)
Novation Nova
Clavia Nord Rack 2
Korg MS-2000 Keyboard
Access Virus b

All of these are roughly $750-$1200us. Which one would you say has the most cryptic interface (I like that sorta thing)? Which has the most modulation posibilities? I don't much care about the sound, as effects and careful planning can change everything. How do the knobs feel, and do the send CC's, and not those heinous nrpn's? How noisy is it? Is midi sync on the ball, or does it lag? How is the vocoder in them, in other words, does it function? I have all the info/sounds from Keyboard magazine about the vocoders, I just wanted to hear some opinions. I've heard alot of mp3s of all these, I haven't been able to play with any of them, I live hundreds of miles from anywhere that carries them.

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Message 21/37                 Date: 18-Apr-01  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: VA's

Defector Z


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Ape - what do you say we go meet up for a beer sometime, and make nice again? :-) I'd love to have a face to face talk - so much is lost in these stupid posts... You gonna be around beantown anytime soon? Last couple of times we met up, we didn't have enough time. I see where you are coming from, but at the same time, I don't want you taking any liberties... ;-) I'd love to have you over my studio some time. When I'm unemployeed in a few weeks, I'll give you a shout. Gonna harass Mindspawn a little bit too - that flood a few weeks ago hurt him.

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Message 22/37                 Date: 19-Apr-01  @  06:39 AM   -   RE: VA's


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Wow... I didn't realize what I said was THAT rude. Sorry about that. Shows me for surviving on 4-5 days with ~10 hours of sleep.

I like the way they all sound. What I don't like hearing is how synth X sounds so much better that synth Y, and, why did I buy synth Z it sucks.

I will eventually play with whatever I buy beforehand, I just wanted some prejudices on what had the better (or worse in this case) interface created by some people who's opinion I trust (rather than some greasy / slimy salesman).

Sometime this summer is when I'm going down to L.A., so I'll be doing this then.

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Message 23/37                 Date: 21-Apr-01  @  09:55 AM   -   RE: VA's


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I have a Virus b. When I play it, it sounds big fuzzy and warm. When I go to music stores and play Waldorf synths, they always sound very cold to me. I guess I just prefer the warmth.

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Message 24/37                 Date: 21-Apr-01  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: VA's


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*a quizical look*

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Message 25/37                 Date: 23-Apr-01  @  12:39 PM   -   RE: VA's


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maybe your speakers are screwed.

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Message 26/37                 Date: 04-May-01  @  05:44 AM   -   RE: VA's


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Err..warm isnt exactly the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking of the Virus.. Big and fuzzy..yes..but it ruffles my feathers more n' it warms me.

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Message 27/37                 Date: 15-May-01  @  08:13 AM   -   RE: VA's


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"Don't get me wrong, I do love the Virus too, but it's no match for the Q-rack."

Bollocks. The Virus has modulatable filter routings, a 32-band vocoder, a 24-stage phaser(x16), Access sound quality, more versatile LFOs, multiple FM types, gnarly lo-fi sample-rate killers in the filter stages AND fx, 24-bit DACs, internal audio busses, etc. Don't get me wrong, the Q is a great synth, but there's a reason why the Waldorf mailing list gets postings from people wishing their Q sounded more like a Virus: specs aren't everything.

They're different synths, they have different strengths and weaknesses. It's not a boxing match.

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Message 28/37                 Date: 15-May-01  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: VA's


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more versitile LFO's?


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Message 29/37                 Date: 16-May-01  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: VA's


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I believe he's referring to the fact that in addition to the normal tri, square, saw, s&h, and s&g waveforms you can also use any of the oscillator's available digital waveforms (127 of 'em I think) as the LFO shape.


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Message 30/37                 Date: 21-May-01  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: VA's


Posts: 2003

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Hell boy,
How odd, in one breath you say it's not a match then it is. What is it? I've gigged both and am still gigging the Q. It's more 'live' friendly for me, although admittedly, these optical knobs have taken some time to get used to.


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