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Subject: VA's

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Original Message                 Date: 08-Apr-01  @  11:15 AM   -   VA's


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Just curious, but which desktop/small-keyboard VA would you take:
Roland JP-8080
Waldorf Q Rack
Waldorf micro-Q Keyboard (when it's released)
Novation Nova
Clavia Nord Rack 2
Korg MS-2000 Keyboard
Access Virus b

All of these are roughly $750-$1200us. Which one would you say has the most cryptic interface (I like that sorta thing)? Which has the most modulation posibilities? I don't much care about the sound, as effects and careful planning can change everything. How do the knobs feel, and do the send CC's, and not those heinous nrpn's? How noisy is it? Is midi sync on the ball, or does it lag? How is the vocoder in them, in other words, does it function? I have all the info/sounds from Keyboard magazine about the vocoders, I just wanted to hear some opinions. I've heard alot of mp3s of all these, I haven't been able to play with any of them, I live hundreds of miles from anywhere that carries them.

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Message 31/37                 Date: 22-May-01  @  03:44 AM   -   RE: VA's


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yeah these knobs are a little wierd... atleast they arent the pulse's knobs.

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Message 32/37                 Date: 22-May-01  @  12:41 PM   -   RE: VA's


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Message 33/37                 Date: 23-May-01  @  09:41 PM   -   RE: VA's


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I don't know how you deal with those "velocity sensitive" knobs... They wierd me out fer sure..

C'mon now.. We all like to champion our favorite machines, but once you get to the top rung it's a matter of tast between the Q, Virus, and Supernova don't you think?


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Message 34/37                 Date: 25-May-01  @  07:41 AM   -   RE: VA's


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Erm, I was quoting you Pongoid, not agreeing with you.

Craig's right, plus on the B et al. you can also use Contour on most of the LFO shapes to bend the slope of the saw (exponential or logarithmic), sweep the triangle from up-saw to down-saw, change the pulse width of the square, foreshorten the spectral waves, etc. Unfortunately they're not audio-rate but they're still reasonably fast and *very* flexible.

I like the Q and I may still get one someday, but I prefer the Virus. Nothing wrong with either choice.

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Message 35/37                 Date: 25-May-01  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: VA's


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Message 36/37                 Date: 27-May-01  @  02:38 AM   -   RE: VA's


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not neccessarilty down to just a choice of a few top 'big synths' tho is it?..- i'd always want my basstation for example cos it does stuff no other synth i have can do... i dont think you can be as broad as that cos they all got a vibe, and the speed of their creativity also makes certain items great..


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 37/37                 Date: 29-May-01  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: VA's


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Want to add here that Novation has done a crack job with OS4 for the Supernova 1 and Nova 1. I always liked the warmth and bigness I could get out of my Supernova, but now the thing has so much grit to it as well. It's as if I bought a whole new synth. If I could, I'd have a Q and a Virus as well. Of course then, I'd never get anything done.

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