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Subject: Yamaha S30 or Roland RS-5?

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Original Message 1/4                 Date: 10-Apr-01  @  04:18 PM   -   Yamaha S30 or Roland RS-5?


Posts: 28

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I'm thinking of buying a sample-based synth to use with my SN2.
The main purpose of the new machine is to supply me with great piano's, flutes and strings.
Do you guys know which synth (S30 or RS-5) suits best for the job? Or maybe there are some other synths on the market that would be more interesting... I really don't know...

Help me out please, before I spend my money on some crappy synth  


Cyrex / FMC

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Message 2/4                 Date: 11-Apr-01  @  02:38 AM   -   RE: Yamaha S30 or Roland RS-5?


Posts: 437

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A used Kurzweil k2000rs might be a good choice. They're quite cheap these days, too.

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Message 3/4                 Date: 04-May-01  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: Yamaha S30 or Roland RS-5?


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Do you need the keyboard or can it be just a module? Well, either way, you might want to take a look at the new Kurzweil PC2/PC2R. The PC2R is around $999.00   , and is a very broad palette of sounds. I'm not naming this *INSTEAD* of either the S30 or R5. I came very close to getting either an S80 (same as S30, but different keys) or an XV88 (from which the R5 gets its sounds). They both sound VERY good. I came to the conclusion that for my purposes, the S80's or XV88's weighted keys w/aftertouch wasn't working. I prefer weighted keys without aftertouch (without that extra squishiness at the bottom of the keybed), and when I want to use aftertouch for something, I can always use my old DX7... it's just a personal touch thing. Anyway, back to your choice, since you are wanting "great piano's, flutes and strings" (in other words, good acoustic emulations from the samples in a synth's ROM), it would be a good idea to check into Kurzweil's newest and most wallet-friendly choice since Kurzweil's accuracy of acoustic emulations is one of their strong points. I realize that everyone says this, and it gets to be a pain, but just pick the synth/sounds you prefer... listen. There's really no way you'd be spending your "money on some crappy synth" with either of your choices or the Kurzweil or a number of others. They are ALL quite capable. The differences are strictly in the realm of preferences in sound (hit records are made with ALL of them, and they all have people that swear by them... people tend to swear by what they use) and differences in the operating system. One system that you find very easy to get around, might be torture for me... or the other way around. Anyone that makes sweeping statements about any of the current crop of pro synths ("Acme synths rule!! All the rest are total shit!!") are basically the same people that might be touting the virtues of portions of their own anatomy. A rose is a rose is a rose... no, they are not all the same, but they all smell pretty.

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Message 4/4                 Date: 04-May-01  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: Yamaha S30 or Roland RS-5?


Posts: 28

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Veronica thanks for your fantastic reply!
I've been browsing around here and I found that a Roland XV-3080 may be suitable. Since you mentioned the XV-88 maybe you can help me out on this... I've decided to buy a rack, cause my SN2 is equipped with a fantastic keyboard  
For some strange reasons I can't connect to the Kurzweil ftp and therefor cannot listen to the demos. What would be the better choice... the Roland XV-3080 or the Kurzweil PC2R?


Cyrex / Fusion Music Crew

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