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Subject: Machinedrum

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Jan-01  @  08:46 AM   -   Machinedrum



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Sweden Stuff! Elektron released an prototype of the "Machinedrum" a new 808 / 909 Style Drum Machine. But not really a clone. It have his own charakter. And looks not bad.

The Price is about 1.000 USD.

Check out machinedrum.com / elektron.se.


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Message 31/70                 Date: 26-Feb-01  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum



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The Sidstation is hardly a "gimmick",
bitches - it's versatile, priced at
around the cost of an SH101 (you
can get one at
www.drummachine.com at a good
price) and has a wonderful gritty
sound. Plus wavetables, audio in,
and jagged, excellent PWM.

I'm guessing the Machinedrum will
end up in the same product-space
as the Kawai XD-5 - capable of
producing weird precussive sounds
but not very mainstream. 1000 is a
bit high for this, but then again, that
price is a rumor I think.

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Message 32/70                 Date: 26-Feb-01  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum


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yeah, I was thinking about the MPC, but it's so pricey...

I'm just going to do beats with software until I actually have cash for something realistically good. Getting rid of the ER1. Anyone who wants it, give me a ring.

So much gear, so little cash.


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Message 33/70                 Date: 26-Feb-01  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum



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How much g?

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Message 34/70                 Date: 26-Feb-01  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum

909 Inc.


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Yeah, the sidstation is great! it
doubles as a alarm box for your
studio! he! he!


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Message 35/70                 Date: 26-Feb-01  @  06:15 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum


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Actually, I'd love to have a SidStation...if they weren't so DAMNED expensive! I need to win the lottery or something...James, you're right. You have to set your goal in advance, and hound it like a dog until you have it.

ER-1 for $290 to whoever wants it. I'll post on sonicstate and harmony central tomorrow. My e-mail is cocomox@aol.com


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Message 36/70                 Date: 27-Feb-01  @  09:46 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum


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MPC is worth the dough IMHO.


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Message 37/70                 Date: 27-Feb-01  @  01:23 PM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Local Boy

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909 Inc - Have you ever used a Sidstation? It is capable of some extreme sounds, I'd choose it over any wanky VA anyday. I swear that fucking thing is alive too, horses for courses though.

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Message 38/70                 Date: 27-Feb-01  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: Machinedrum

ReZo 2k1


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Me and 909 Inc. took a trip down to the Drum Machine Museum and we checked out the Sid Station, The Touched by Sound Syncussion DRM1, (and of coarse all the other drum machines). I traded my Bit One for a Microcon, probably not too smart, and so on blah, blah, blah.

The Sid Station was indeed a very trippy droid. Can't say I would fork out $520 for it but it seems like it might be a pretty cool little box. I wasn't really impressed with the sounds I heard from it although it does put out some really nice sine basses. Deep basses. It did make me miss my Commodore days though. = ) I don't agree with James by saying that its better than a VA but it does have some really nice filters.


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Message 39/70                 Date: 27-Feb-01  @  04:13 PM   -   RE: Machinedrum



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I never said that abut the Sid and VA's. I am not Local Boy..


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Message 40/70                 Date: 27-Feb-01  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: Machinedrum

909 Inc.


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local boy: I haven't used the
sidstation personally, but demoed it
in person and d/l a ton of mp3
samples off the net. While its a very
interesting machine, I wouldn't put
out 5 bills for it. I would get a sample
cd of it though. Also the construction
of the unit seemed cheap. From what
I remember, it seemed really light, is
the casing aluminum or plastic?
From the in-person demo at
drummachine.com, I think
programming a vcr is easier (he! he!)

You said you would choose it over a
VA? which va?

909 Inc.

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