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Subject: Machinedrum

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Jan-01  @  08:46 AM   -   Machinedrum



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Sweden Stuff! Elektron released an prototype of the "Machinedrum" a new 808 / 909 Style Drum Machine. But not really a clone. It have his own charakter. And looks not bad.

The Price is about 1.000 USD.

Check out machinedrum.com / elektron.se.


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Message 41/70                 Date: 27-Feb-01  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Local Boy

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True the Sidstation is VERY light, it's made of aluminium and I guess the design of it is a little unusual and possibly a little "homebrew" but it is really easy to program, takes about an hour of messing with it then you've got it down. Also the output is very noisy and the filter doesn't self oscillate and can distort. I would choose it over a VA because it is capable of much weirder sounds, with more warmth and some organic quality that is impossible to get from any of the VA's that I've owned and used. The arpeggiator and table functions are excellent and it has 303 type portamento (takes the same amount of time to slide between any 2 notes). The VA's I own are a MS2000r and a Nord Micro Modular (both of which I like) I used to have a Novation Nova which was crap and I have been equally unimpressed by Roland JP8080, Access Virus, and Waldorf Q. The main reason is that they are all very samey and stick firmly to the limitations of analog synths but without the warmth and bite. The MS2000r is good for FM and wavetable sounds and the Nord is so versatile that I could never part with it, both can do all of the VA sounds that I require. Point being VA needs to go to the next level to get my hard earned $$$$, because at the moment all its just all too samey.

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Message 42/70                 Date: 27-Feb-01  @  11:21 PM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Silver Droid

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If you think that the majority of VA's "stick firmly to the limitations of analog synths", you have no idea what you're talking about.

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Message 43/70                 Date: 28-Feb-01  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum

ReZo 2k1


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Sorry James...my bad = )


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Message 44/70                 Date: 01-Mar-01  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Local Boy

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Silver Droid - If you read my post properly then you will see that I know what I'm talking about. To be honest I think it's you who doesn't have much experience with synths (I'm not trying to put you down). 2 years ago on this very board you were saying how you'd never buy a 20 year old unreliable TB303 and the Korg Prophecy was the best thing since sliced bread, ffwd to present day and you now own a 303 and have sold your Prophecy, WTF? I wonder if in another 2 years if you will be telling newbies that analog is the way to go and VA is a pale approximation? Like James says you tend to get all defensive about your gear like that Doepfer Sync box and the Prophecy, saying they are great (which may be true) without having much experience of other alternatives. I hate to break it to ya man, but I was playing with synths when you were still playing with your Power Rangers figures. To make assumtions of others without having a foundation on which to base them is unwise. I had my first 303 in 1988, I was in the club scene when Acid House parties first emerged in London, I've been involved in lots of projects for the past 12 years in some extremely well equipped studios. I could go on but I don't want to rub your nose in it, please think before you say such bold statments.


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Message 45/70                 Date: 01-Mar-01  @  05:30 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Silver Droid

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I bought a real TB-303 because I wanted the pure and crisp sound that ReBirth couldn't offer. As well, I wanted it for the sequencer which is good for experimenting. I live with the fact that it's almost 20 years old and that it's slowly detuning, but from modding a TB-303 and TR-606, I've realized that they can take a pounding, and therefore my trust in the durability of analogues has improvoved.

Still to this day, I believe that the Prophecy and Z1 are two of the most powerful synthesizers ever made. The reason why I sold my Prophecy was because I later got the Z1 (a polyphonic version of the Prophecy with lots of improvements). I then got rid of the Z1 because I got a little tired of the MOSS sound and there were other things out there that offered better analogue emulation (ie. Virus)...I ended up loosing the programmable flexibility of the Z1, but gained better analogue emulation with the Virus.

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Message 46/70                 Date: 01-Mar-01  @  07:42 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Dave Luce


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That was the mistake! You shouldn`t buy a Z1 for emulating analog synths...

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Message 47/70                 Date: 01-Mar-01  @  08:16 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum



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Silver VA,

those are both shitty synths. Go design VA algorhythms if your that
horny for that stupid plastic "zipper noise" MOSS puss chip.. I
never heard anyone so obssesive about VA's.

Jupiter 6, bitch. That's all I got to say.

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Message 48/70                 Date: 01-Mar-01  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: Machinedrum

909 Inc.


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Jupiter 6 is nice, I almost had the
pleasure of owning one, it was in my
studio, almost mine... then the trade
deal flaked. Very nice piece of kit,
solid! They go for about 800 and up
now. If only we had unlimited bank

Also, I'm curious about the moss
sound, before reading my triton
manual, I thought the moss board
would give me a sound of 13
oscillators stacked, but from reading
further I found that you can choose
from 13 oscillators and in the end
have like two osc. and a sub. osc....
I'm curious why synth manufacturers
don't make synths with e.g. 4 or 8
oscillators? Virus takes a step
forward with four osc. in virus B.
909 Inc.

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Message 49/70                 Date: 02-Mar-01  @  07:00 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Silver Droid

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Dave, I didn't buy the Prophecy and Z1 mostly for analogue emulation. I got them for the flexibility and wide spectrum of sounds. It was only later on that I became interested in a purer analogue sound.

Anyways, now I'm working on selling my JP-8000 and Virus 2.52 to finance an Indigo. Also need to get my 606 back.

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Message 50/70                 Date: 02-Mar-01  @  09:15 AM   -   RE: Machinedrum

Below Freezing


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Silver Droid yer fuckin weird man

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