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Subject: newbie question: OS4

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Original Message 1/6                 Date: 09-May-01  @  11:24 AM   -   newbie question: OS4

Im Nebel

Posts: 6

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

I own a Nova 1 which I am very satisfied with, and the new OS4 turns it to gold.
Anyway I have a sort of newbye question: I am a Mac user, but don't know how to extract an ".hqx" file.
I run OS9 on a Mac G3 PowerPC, and I use Ziplt to zip/unzip files, but it didn't recognize the ".hqx" file posted on your site.
Sorry if this question may be trivial, but I'd really appreciate your help because I really don't know how to extract it.
I hope to receive some feedback, thanks in advance.

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Message 2/6                 Date: 09-May-01  @  02:21 PM   -   RE: newbie question: OS4


Posts: 472

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File?:  No file

I guess you speak german, if yes: http://www.red11.de/software/packerhaupt.htm



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Message 3/6                 Date: 09-May-01  @  02:59 PM   -   RE: newbie question: OS4

Im Nebel

Posts: 6

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

Unfortunately I can't speak German. My nick "Im Nebel" comes from an H.Hesse poetry which is also the title of one of my first productions.
I appreciate your help anyway, but since I can't understand deutsch, could you please help me any other way? I feel stupid for not being able to handle that .hqx file; it may be an easy issue, because nobody else raised this kind of question, but I really need some help.
Thank you

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Message 4/6                 Date: 09-May-01  @  06:35 PM   -   RE: newbie question: OS4


Posts: 3872

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

There is a program for the Mac called "Stuffit". Try that.

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Message 5/6                 Date: 09-May-01  @  08:01 PM   -   RE: newbie question: OS4


Posts: 472

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

As sitar already said: Stuffit should help



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Message 6/6                 Date: 10-May-01  @  09:47 AM   -   RE: newbie question: OS4

Im Nebel

Posts: 6

Link?: Link

File?:  No file

thank you very much for your help.
I downloaded it, and I can't wait to upgrade to OS4 tonight; really appreciated your sudden replies.

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