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Subject: Double saw usage??

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Original Message 1/7                 Date: 03-May-01  @  05:03 PM   -   Double saw usage??



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whats the best way to make huge sounds using the double saw?? all it seems to do is phase my sounds a bit by tweaking the width... Im looking to create some jp-8000 competitive leads with that waveform....

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Message 2/7                 Date: 03-May-01  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: Double saw usage??


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Try the new Unison option. Detune and chorus as always to taste.

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Message 3/7                 Date: 03-May-01  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: Double saw usage??


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sitar is right. Use unison mode too and set it to 2 or 3 voices...in combination with double saw

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Message 4/7                 Date: 03-May-01  @  08:23 PM   -   RE: Double saw usage??

Brett B

Posts: 781

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use the new filters for the jp-8000 blurps. As for leads. Run the double saw on osc 1,2,3 and detune them a little usinf the fine. Then add some distorion and some filter distorion. Use the band pass filter. Crank up the bass on the eq section of the distorion menu. Should be pretty thick sound that shreads when it goes up into the high pass part of the filter.

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Message 5/7                 Date: 04-May-01  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: Double saw usage??



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this much I pretty much figured, but what is the proper way to use the "width" knob with the double saw, which is what makes it 2 saws in the 1st place.

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Message 6/7                 Date: 04-May-01  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: Double saw usage??

Brett B

Posts: 781

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i don't know, the manual says to use the lfo to modulate pitch to keep them at a constant out of tune. Did what it said, just sounded like lfo modulation, but i came up with some nice modulating arpegios.

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Message 7/7                 Date: 04-May-01  @  06:35 PM   -   RE: Double saw usage??


Posts: 315

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the width control is static shifting of the phase, to get animation set width to what ever other than oo and then use lfo or envelopes to modulate it, its similar to pulse width modulation now using differnt widths and different lfo settings and amounts you can get big swirly pads ect before you even touch unison or chorus, unmodulated double saw just produces fatter sawtooth waves,only when modulated do you get the real reason they gave it to us,but watch the levels of each oscilator and levels in program mode as it can clip the sound with low cut off sounds down da low end.


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