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Subject: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...

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Original Message 1/9                 Date: 03-May-01  @  06:39 PM   -   I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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This is great news, however, I'm having trouble with upgading with SONAR/Waves PCI card(midi in/0ut)

Other files work fine, including the "double saw" bit

Anyone else?

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Message 2/9                 Date: 03-May-01  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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Are you having trouble sending it from Sonar? I did at first. Open a new song in Sonar. Go to Options/Midi Devices. Make sure that whichever channel the SN is using is on top. Mine uses channel 3, so I deselected all of them, then selected channel 3 and hit Move to Top (or whatever that bar says). You can change it back later.

Choose a MIDI track. Go to File/Open and navigate to the OS4 file and double click on it. It'll open up in that track. You'll see it as verticle bars which is controller data. Make sure the SN is ready to recieve OS by turning it off, wait 30 seconds or so as with any chip based thingy, then press and hold the part edit 8 button and while holding it power the SN on. Go back to Sonar and hit play and you should be home free. Make sure you don't turn the SN off until after the OS is uploaded and the flash rom is finished doing its thing. They mention that in the pdf file that came with OS4.

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Message 3/9                 Date: 03-May-01  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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What, Sonar is implemented as stupid as Cakewalk 9 in this respect ?

I really hate the way they don't allow sysex to be transmitted to the port specified in the track. As a matter of fact, I use the Windows media player to install upgrades because Cakewalk 9 is such a pain in the ass.

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Message 4/9                 Date: 03-May-01  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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That's actually the first time I was able to do that with Cake. I used SoundDiver in the past. Tell you the truth though, I'm glad I got it down in Sonar. Makes me feel better 'cause I knew it could be done. And SoundDiver wouldn't read the file this time.

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Message 5/9                 Date: 04-May-01  @  02:31 AM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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Well, I'm kinda new at having real synths. But the way you have to deselect midi devices to be able to download sysex commands and then deselect everything and then reselect (and "move to top") everything to get your system back up and running is certainly pretty stupid.

Whoever is developing the sysex part for Cakewalk sure as hell doesn't have more than one synth.

Also, I'm anticipating a problem when I start using sysex commands if I at som point decide to move a piece of gear from one midi port to another.

Come on, Cakewalk developers, how hard can it be to do this the right way ?

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Message 6/9                 Date: 04-May-01  @  06:22 AM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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Desience, I'm not sure if this is obvious to you, but it wasn't to me and caused me to pull some hair out when I tried to upgrade with Sonar/MOTU PC MIDI Flyer interface. You didn't specify if you were using a Supernova or a Nova, but if it's the latter, you need to press and hold the "mute" button when you're powering up (in lieu of a "part 8" button) or the Nova won't be expecting an OS. It's not like programs which you can fire off to the Nova at will. Just make sure the Nova's Global MIDI channel is 1 and Sonar's BPM is set to 50.

btw, sysex data has manufacturer-specific bytes in the message. You can run it through your whole MIDI system, and only the unit that the specific sysex string is for will respond. That's why good machines like a K2500 allow you to set it to multiple sysex ID's, in case you have a couple of them.

Thus, I think Cakewalk/Sonar's sysex implementation is the shit. I can save a performance with a project with all my edited sounds (saving the need to use up the Nova's memory when all I'm doing is tweaking an existing sound). Not only that, I can save new versions of it in different banks as I go. "I liked the bass before I added that other part..." easy to get back.


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Message 7/9                 Date: 04-May-01  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


Posts: 35

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okay. thanks you lot, esp psylichon.

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Message 8/9                 Date: 05-May-01  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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did you get it to work?

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Message 9/9                 Date: 06-May-01  @  05:26 AM   -   RE: I'm chuffed over this OS4 thing...


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sorry, yes, all is well. this is quite nice. thanks.

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