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Subject: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?

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Original Message 1/9                 Date: 04-May-01  @  03:16 PM   -   Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?


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I know this may be a sort of a no-no since this Novation Forum seems to be connected with DanceTech, but nevertheless... my main use of the Nova has been for rock (pop, and other non-dance-oriented styles). I enjoy dance music, so please don't take this as any sort of a challenge. It's just that I got the Nova because back when analog synths were first used in rock (mainly the whole decade of the seventies), those units were too expensive. And the digital synths that came later weren't cutting it. I've found that Novation's Virtual Analog is a way for me to have the capabilities of many vintage synths and to continue using the synthesizer as a valid member of a rock ensemble. So, rather than entire productions of analog synthesis, mine are generally more like acoustic drums, bass guitar, two (give or take) electric guitars (and maybe acoustic), electric pianos, B-3, acoustic piano, and various usages of the synth. Some songs may just have a mono line and others may "Jump" (so to speak). Anyway, I am wondering if there are others here who use the Nova primarily for non-dance music. And meanwhile, this doesn't mean that I won't occasionally experiment with an all electronic form, because, after all, any rock user can learn a lot from it.

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Message 2/9                 Date: 04-May-01  @  03:54 PM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?


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First of all, welcome Veronica. I think this is the Novation forum and there is nothing in the warranty that says the Nova may only be used for dance music. I think it's cool. Funny I always thought synths would be out of reach for me too. But here we are. I use my Supernova for dance mainly, but I've used it for some classical filmy type stuff as well. Do you find yourself using the pads more than other sounds in Rock? I would ask about leads too, but then I guess the guitar players would be standing around with their hands in their pockets  

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Message 3/9                 Date: 04-May-01  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?


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I personally have a MAJOR attachment to organs and electric pianos (which I don't get to use that often cuz they don't always fit in my current dance work, but I keep trying) and I was raised on early funk rock and soul from the late 60's and heavily on the 70's. I'll dig through my stacks and see if I can find any of the funk/jazz/rock/soul influenced stuff I wrote years back and post a track or two for kicks. Hey, it's loaded with analog type sounds...

Um, post a track already Veronica!

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Message 4/9                 Date: 04-May-01  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?


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Most of the VA synth makers are marketing their units to the dance music crowd (including their factory soundsets) because it's a really popular genre now. The Nova is perfectly capable of making the sorts of Jupiter 8/OB-8 pads and sweeps we used to hear in the 80's, you just have to start tweeking. I've been working on recreating some of the pads I used way-back on my Poly61 (the problem is now they sound much better). I'm sure Eddie would have done his "jump" solo on a dusty SNII if it had been available back then ;)

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Message 5/9                 Date: 05-May-01  @  12:58 AM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?


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I have to disagree, I really don't think that the VAs from Clavia, Novation, Waldorf or Access have been marketed for Dance Music, only the big Japanese companies have done that. They are all marketed as synths, not as instruments for one particular style of music.

The point of analogue synths and the VAs is that they are easy to program, so you can develop your own unique sound by designing your own and leaving the presets for pop producers!

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Message 6/9                 Date: 05-May-01  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?


Posts: 12353

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sure, there's No specific genre attached, it just happens i guess more people use them for dance club styles tho cos thats the biggest usergroup really.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/9                 Date: 05-May-01  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?


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I've been using mine for hip-hop since I've moved to Philly. There seems to be a crossover from the electronica crowd to hip-hop for those looking for more head-bopping beats than all-night-spinners. The Nova puts out tons of low end for booming basslines (it even beat out the Jupiter-8 I'm borrowing as far as low end... though the 8 still had an edge in character), and lots of ear-catching sound effects that are becoming more popular in urban music.

Not to mention using it to slice and dice audio like a DJ's crossfader. The Nova truly is a versatile instrument.


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Message 8/9                 Date: 06-May-01  @  07:42 PM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?

Brett B

Posts: 781

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Don't know what's wrong with your jupiter, beacuase my mks-80 will shake the walls down. There is absolutly no comparison between the sonic strenghth of the nova low end against a fully functioning and properly used jupiter-8. Maybe if you boost the distorion or bass , etc you may get more volume, but you can do that to the j-8 on the mixer and with outboard and and end up with twice as much solid low end. i like the Nova's sound , but the jupiter synths are in a class by themselves. I would however compare the jp-8000 to the Nova. Double saw and the new filter types really get the jop done and help emulate jupiter sounds nicly. Very impressed with os4......

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Message 9/9                 Date: 06-May-01  @  07:42 PM   -   RE: Non-Dance Genre NOVA users?

Brett B

Posts: 781

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Don't know what's wrong with your jupiter, beacuase my mks-80 will shake the walls down. There is absolutly no comparison between the sonic strenghth of the nova low end against a fully functioning and properly used jupiter-8. Maybe if you boost the distorion or bass , etc you may get more volume, but you can do that to the j-8 on the mixer and with outboard and and end up with twice as much solid low end. i like the Nova's sound , but the jupiter synths are in a class by themselves. I would however compare the jp-8000 to the Nova. Double saw and the new filter types really get the jop done and help emulate jupiter sounds nicly. Very impressed with os4......

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