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Subject: Will EMU abandon the Proteus 2000??

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Original Message 1/3                 Date: 26-Oct-00  @  04:48 PM   -   Will EMU abandon the Proteus 2000??

fink angel


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hi, i'm after a second-hand proteus 2000. the trouble is it seems that these expansion cards are taking simply ages to come out.

can anyone tell me what roms are available NOW and what's planned for the future.

i thought there would be loads of third party stuff too but there's not that much.

the jv, although about longer seems to still be going strong.

should i get a jv??

i want orchestral sounds, strings, synths.

can someone give me an opinion.

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Message 2/3                 Date: 30-Oct-00  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: Will EMU abandon the Proteus 2000??


Posts: 28

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Its a pretty powerful synth (if you're willing to program it). Lots of samples to use on the composer ROM (stock rom). I have the techno synt construction yard ROm by Rob Papen. Its pretty cool, except I don't like the drum kits on that rom. There is also a Holy Grail Piano ROM, the Protzoa Rom, and the Sounds of the ZR Rom. The virtuoso orchestral Roms will be available within November (so they say) and so will the Xtreme Lead. The World Expedition ROM will also be out this november.

If you ever buy a Emu Ultra sampler you can burn your own custom Roms and used them in your P2k as well. The flash roms are a bit pricey (thats being discusses on the p2k mailing list right now) but for what they I offer I believe its justified.

THe next OS upgrade for the P2k will add arppegiators (up to 32 simultaneously) and expression found in the V2k. Join the p2k mailing list on egroups to get more information. Sean Wilshelm(an employee at EMU) comes on quite a bit to answer questions. EMU will definitely be supporting the P2K for a while.


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Message 3/3                 Date: 31-Oct-00  @  11:51 AM   -   RE: Will EMU abandon the Proteus 2000??

fink angel


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i'm not a particularly willing programmer, which is a shame i admit but i'll probably give it a look anyway.



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