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Subject: good OP/Ed piece

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Original Message 1/13                 Date: 11-Jul-04  @  09:51 PM   -   good OP/Ed piece


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Terrorism: We've Got Them Right Where They Want Us
By Gwynne Dyer
St. Louis Post Dispatch

Thursday 08 July 2004

At the Fourth of July stone-laying ceremony on the site where the World Trade Center towers formerly stood, New York Gov. George Pataki dedicated the building that is to replace them, using the rhetoric that is standard in the United States on such occasions: "Let this great Freedom Tower show the world that what our enemies sought to destroy - our democracy, our freedom, our way of life - stands taller than ever."

But Sept. 11, 2001, wasn't really about any of that.

Imagine it's 1999, and three wild-eyed, bushy-bearded Islamist fanatics are pacing a cave somewhere in Afghanistan planning 9/11. "We must destroy American democracy," says one. "An America run by a dictator would be a much better place."

"Yes," says the second, "and we must also curtail their freedom. Americans have too many television channels, too many breakfast cereals and far too many kinds of makeup to choose from." The third chimes in: "While we're at it, let's destroy their whole way of life. I've always hated American football, Oprah Winfrey sucks and I can't stand Coca-Cola."

What? This scene doesn't ring true? Then why does almost all public discussion in the United States about the goals of the Islamist terrorists assume that they are driven by hatred for the domestic political and social arrangements of Americans?

Public debate in the United States generally assumes that America is the only true home of democracy and freedom and that other people and countries are "pro-American" or "anti-American" on the basis of supporting or rejecting those ideals. Practically nobody on the rest of the planet would recognize such a picture, but it is the only one most Americans are shown, and it has major foreign policy implications.

This is what enables President George W. Bush to explain away why the United States was attacked with the simple phrase, "They hate our freedoms," and avoid any discussion that delves into the impact of American foreign policy in the Middle East on Arab and Muslim attitudes towards the United States. It also blinds most Americans to the nature of the strategic game into which their country has been tricked into playing a role.

In fact, the Sept. 11 attacks were not aimed at American values, which are of no interest to the Islamists one way or another. They were an operation broadly intended to raise the profile of the Islamists in the Muslim world with the further specific goal of luring the United States into invading Muslim countries.

The true goal of the Islamists is to take power in Muslim countries, and their problem until recently was that they could not win over enough local people to make their revolutions happen. Getting the United States to march into the Muslim world in pursuit of terrorists was a potentially promising stratagem, since such an invasion would produce endless images of American soldiers killing and humiliating Muslims. That, in turn, might push enough people into the arms of the Islamists to get their long-stalled revolutions off the ground.

Specifically, the al-Qaida planners expected the United States to invade Afghanistan and get bogged down in the same long counterguerrilla war that the Russians had experienced there, providing years of horrifying images of American firepower killing innocent Muslims. Osama bin Laden and his colleagues were simply trying to relive their past success against the Russians and get some more mileage out of the Afghan scenario.

In fact, their plan failed: The United States conquered Afghanistan quickly and at a very low cost in lives. Even now, despite huge American neglect, Afghanistan has not produced a major anti-American resistance movement. The reason al-Qaida is still in business is that the Bush administration then invaded Iraq. If the Islamists were astonished at that turn of events, they still knew how to exploit the opportunity handed to them.

So the real game continues while public debate in the United States is conducted in terms that have only the most tangential contact with strategic reality.

Gov. Pataki wasn't about to get into all this at an emotional ceremony that, in part, commemorated the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. But when will it be addressed, and by whom? What major American public figure will stand up and say that the United States and its values are not really under attack, that the country and its troops are actually just being used as pawns in somebody else's strategy? Many senior American politicians and military officers understand what is going on, but they would jeopardize their careers if they said so out loud.

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Message 2/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  03:19 AM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece



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this is the scariest thing i've read in a long time>>>>

In a short Newsweek brief, in Monday's (July 19) edition, by the infamous Michael Isikoff, it is revealed that Tommy Ridge is exploring what would be needed to be done to postpone the fall presidential election, if there were to be a terrorist attack:

American counter-terrorism officials, citing what they call "alarming" intelligence about a possible Qaeda strike inside the United States this fall, are reviewing a proposal that could allow for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of such an attack, NEWSWEEK has learned....

As a result, sources tell NEWSWEEK, Ridge's department last week asked the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel to analyze what legal steps would be needed to permit the postponement of the election were an attack to take place. Justice was specifically asked to review a recent letter to Ridge from DeForest B. Soaries Jr., chairman of the newly created U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Soaries noted that, while a primary election in New York on September 11, 2001, was quickly suspended by that state's Board of Elections after the attacks that morning, "the federal government has no agency that has the statutory authority to cancel and reschedule a federal election." Soaries, a Bush appointee who two years ago was an unsuccessful GOP candidate for Congress, wants Ridge to seek emergency legislation from Congress empowering his agency to make such a call. Homeland officials say that as drastic as such proposals sound, they are taking them seriously—along with other possible contingency plans in the event of an election-eve or Election Day attack. "We are reviewing the issue to determine what steps need to be taken to secure the election," says Brian Roehrkasse, a Homeland spokesman.


So, this is real folks. A Bush lackey role model, Tom Ridge, may be empowered to cancel the fall elections.

Maybe that's why Jeb officially has given up on the "theft of the election" 2000 felon's purge list (although we doubt that he really has). When you can just cancel the election, you don't need to steal it by preventing legal voters from casting their ballots, do you? The Bush Cartel has always escalated its boldness when faced with election losses. Now they just won't prevent a few thousand people from voting in Florida; they may prevent the entire country from voting!

So, it's got all the Rove fingerprints on it. A relatively unknown Republican Rev. from New Jersey is appointed to head an obscure new commission. Then he writes a letter demanding that plans be made to cancel -- or "postpone" -- the election if necessary. Then Tom Ridge carries the water, as trial balloons are floated to the favored GOP lapdog leak recipient at Newsweek, Michael Isikoff, he of the Linda Tripp "story" fame.

This is beyond frightening. It is the end of democracy in America, if Tom Ridge is granted these powers. And you know, a move will be afoot in Congress to do so.

Lord save us, if the Democrats collapse on this one and let Ridge or anyone in the Bush administration have such powers.

What terrorist attack could prevent a national election from being held?

You see, the Bush Cartel could claim that they have solid information of an imminent attack and postpone the election because they don't want the terrorists to influence the outcome, because, they would argue, that would give a victory to the terrorists.

Which is all another way of saying, the Republicans don't plan on yielding power under any circumstances, the will of the people be damned.

Chilling beyond belief.

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Message 3/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  03:29 AM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece


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I was just coming here to post the same news as unconfirmed but maybe it is confirmed. To be honest I really wish I didn't live in this country and have wished that for a long time...at least 2 decades. This kind of martial law opportunity was being explored by Bush senior when he was vp under Reagan, in much the same way as the whitehouse looked to find out if there were legal loopholes to get out of the Geneva Convention. It's sickening. I know that people in Europe and Canada, as well as several other countries with democracys look at the US and shake their heads. Don't get sucked down by the US is all I can say. Maybe US citizens will get out of this situation but maybe we won't.

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Message 4/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  06:04 AM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece



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we can imagine how the indians felt.

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Message 5/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  06:19 AM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece


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holy. fucking. shit.


its pretty clear that fighting by the rules...legal process, etc...is never gonna change anything.

what to do with these people? that really truly is horrifying. cant see how it wouldnt stir sheer rage in every single american

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Message 6/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece


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and it really leaves the door open for a custom order if no terrorist action takes place. I mean think about who really benefits from
"The explosion - the first inside Israel since March and the first in its biggest city since two British Muslim suicide bombers struck a beachfront bar 15 months ago - reinforced Ariel Sharon's determination to complete the barrier, which Israel insists is reducing attacks."

but keep paying your taxes...

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Message 7/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  12:40 PM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece


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Sharon is the scum of the earth.

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Message 8/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  03:51 PM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece


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i keep getting these dizzy spells, like being teleported to this place, which is always the same, eg. like a spirit place coming into being. the walls around me turn to poison and i know there's nothnig to do about it. a toxic reaction to the situation.

which american will stand up and suggest that bin laden used the u.s. as a pawn? when it is convenient for them to use the public as pawns with this datum. forbid the centralised reference. and get u.s. troops out of saudi arabia :p

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Message 9/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  04:38 PM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece


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I just sent an email to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Hope that helps.

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Message 10/13                 Date: 12-Jul-04  @  06:30 PM   -   RE: good OP/Ed piece


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Dear Hillary.. I'm gonna vote your bitch ass out when your term is up.

Obviously, I didn't vote for her.

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