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Subject: The scammer gets scammed

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Original Message 1/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  01:12 AM   -   The scammer gets scammed


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The above url leads to an amusing account of an ebay scammer getting his come uppance.

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Message 2/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  02:28 AM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed


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shit that took ages to get through but fooking worth it!

shabby thing is the guy probably paid for the tax with cash from his undoubted other scam dealings, but i'd have loved to have seen the boys face when he opened it. result!


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Message 3/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  02:33 AM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed


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He must be doubly raging knowing that a lot of people have been scrutinizing his moves plus I'd say he has a healthy dose of paranoia and spent a frantic day or two deleting any possible evidence from his pc brings a smile to my face.

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Message 4/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  09:27 AM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed


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har har... good one! huge fuckin' read tho, even just skimming over it...

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Message 5/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  09:38 AM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed



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that is quality! that laptop had me rolling....


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Message 6/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  01:55 PM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed



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dunno if you have seen this-


its quality!


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Message 7/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  08:48 PM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed



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how far into this are we timewise?

i'm all for what these guys did.....however...i'd be worried when dealing with rats such as this (the scam-artist) that they might not pursue a claim themselves that they were sent items not requested....
EVEN if they were as a scam on their end.
no one has proven that to anyone yet...
except maybe here and 7161 is far from a court of law.
thus far...they've never scammed anyone that can be proven.

BUT fed-ex AND the country which taxed the guy (england) CAN say someone
truly falsified forms regarding merchandise sent and it's value etc..
and they do have HIS name and number.
it's one thing to fight fire with fire.....but be especially careful to not burn YOURSELF.
in fact....it appears they stand a good chance to get worked on one level or another...were these guys intent on playing games>
you shouldn't underestimate the passion of fiends.

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Message 8/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed



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and this aspect of action-man always comes up.....

just WHY!?!?! because action-man comes up with some antidote to evil-doers.....
does he have to spell-out step-by-step the process he underwent to see justice done?...especially if it possibly incriminates himself?

action-man does more...talks less.
and if he talks...it ain't about this stuff!!!!.....good luck BUT>
someone's blowing it from what i can see.

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Message 9/14                 Date: 21-May-04  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed



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put even more simply.....

cross that line when your heart tells you it's the thing to do......

but shut the hell up when it comes to advertising exactly what a hero you are.

good luck i say.

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Message 10/14                 Date: 22-May-04  @  06:39 AM   -   RE: The scammer gets scammed


Posts: 4573

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i thought it was funny. lighten up, clay

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