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Subject: Isn't all of America supposed to be

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Original Message 1/16                 Date: 26-Jul-04  @  03:23 AM   -   Isn't all of America supposed to be


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Isn't all of america supposed to be a "free speech zone"?

Danger - Free Speech Zone: Keep Out!

by Gan Golan

Email: gansolo (nospam) hotmail.com (unverified!)

25 Jul 2004

Last night, I had my first direct experience with the so-called free speech zone. It left me with one conclusion, whatever you do, do NOT go inside. It’s not only a blatant offense to free speech, but it is highly dangerous and unsafe. I would suggest protesting anywhere in Boston but inside of it.

Here’s the story. After having dinner in Boston, about 9 activists and myself thought we would take an after dinner stroll to check out the space that the city of Boston had reserved for the citizenry to express themselves. For several minutes, it was hard to find the entrances, as the outside is a intractable mess of fencing, piles of stored construction equipment and wire, with a large sign posted the main entrance that stated, “Hard Hat Area: No admittance” It took a while for us to realize we could use these to enter, in direct contradiction to the signs directive.
speech, but it is highly dangerous and unsafe. I would suggest protesting anywhere in Boston but inside of it.

No amount of hyperbole can accurately describe how disastrous the interior actually is. It’s like a scene from some post-apocalyptic movie – a futuristic, industrial detention area from a Mad Max film. You are surrounded on all sides by concrete blocks and steel fencing, with razor wire lining the perimeter. Then, there is a giant black net over the entire space.

That’s not even the worst part. 80% of the space is actually beneath a construction site. You heard me, most of the zone is actually under a partially constructed building, broken up by gates, iron girders and wooden rafters, in the darkness.

No helicopter will ever be able to see an aerial shot of the people assembled, negating the major points of mass protest: to let the rest of the public see your numbers. This forced'invisibility' is so painfully obvious, that it is hard to believe it resulted from pure negligence. What's more, the space fits only 1000 maximum by law, so the 1001st person who wants to express their rights, is shit out of luck.

That’s not all. If you go inside, you won't be left safely alone with your fellow protesters. Right above you will be a suspended catwalk of wooden rafters traveling down the middle of the protest area. This strip is not only covered with reams of barbed wire, but officers (or national guardsmen) will be strolling above you just feet from your head. After walking in, it took us about 2 seconds to agree; “there is no fucking way we are stepping into this trap”.

And if you think that the civility of individual officers will make up for it, think again. As we were casually walking through the pen, our jaws open in dis-belief, a group of officers quickly surrounded us. Twenty-four of them. The first officer (Officer ‘Gately’) approached us swiftly, and declared, “Do you know that the willful destruction of public property in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a felony that carries 5 year in jail!” We were taken aback by this introduction. Other people in suit and ties were walking by, using the zone as a pedestrian shortcut. a bunch of peaceniks were walking through in our shorts and backpacks and we were immediately suspect of committing a criminal act. I guess this explains the meaning of the rule about those wearing ‘inappropriate clothing’ being searched. The overtly intimidating tone of the interaction didn’t cease, so we soon left.

I called the BPD headquarters and asked to talk to the district 2 duty officer, in order to file a complaint about the rude treatment. When I asked him (Sgt. Ross) for Officer Gately’s ID#, he stated that he could not give me that information because after all, I could be “a member of the press, or an anarchist”. I guess myself (along with the press and anarchists) are no longer allowed to hold the police accountable for their actions.

A word of advice: Do not make the mistake of making your first visit to the free speech zone on your day of protest. It will be too late to realize what you are getting into.

It’s crazy to think that this is happening in Boston, a city that fronts a reputation of being a cradle of constitutional values. The city has tried to force free speech into a cage where it cannot survive. The only reasonable response is to exercise our rights everywhere but the protest zone.

By giving free speech an unacceptable location, the City of Boston has unwittingly declared that the entire city is now a free speech zone.

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Message 2/16                 Date: 26-Jul-04  @  03:29 AM     Edit: 26-Jul-04  |  03:29 AM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be


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Message 3/16                 Date: 26-Jul-04  @  06:17 AM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be



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hey...you know how it is anymore.
you want free speech?
get in the cage you animal.
we'll fix you right up.

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Message 4/16                 Date: 26-Jul-04  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be



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i'm proud of those who take the time and energy to protest
that which is unjust here in america
and throughout the world!!!!!!

keep it peaceful!!!

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Message 5/16                 Date: 26-Jul-04  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be


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Shut up and sit down...

ingrateful little monsters... don't know what you've got! Be thnakful there's free speech at all, since everytime you're given the opportunity to speak your mind it creates a huge inconvenience for those who disagree with you...

Be thankful for your freedoms.

Be thankful someone's in charge who has THE NERVE to stand up to tyrants and bullies and protects your right to bitch and moan and complain about the efforts made to give you a voice and keep you safe in the process...

I'll bet your whining little pie whole would clam up if you had to fight for your dinner, or hike miles to get water, etc... You got it good here in America! It makes me sick that you spit on what you have while other's go without.

Shut Up, and Sit Down...

or something to that effect...


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Message 6/16                 Date: 27-Jul-04  @  12:01 AM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be



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i think they heard you e~!

today's picture shows them crouching and knelt down with hands behind their backs in the free-speech zone.

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Message 7/16                 Date: 27-Jul-04  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be


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Assuming the position?

How quickly they go face down, ass up!

I know it's symbolic (i hope, i didn't read the article today) but I've got some ideas about these self important protesters who put on publicity stunts for attention... it's usualy a strategy designed to overcome a lack of public support... not enough bodies, not enough indignation... tends to make the few "radicals" just look silly to the fence sitters... which accomplishes little but to puff up the ego's in the "movement"


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Message 8/16                 Date: 27-Jul-04  @  02:40 AM     Edit: 27-Jul-04  |  02:41 AM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be


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I was arrested for blocking the justice department building in washington dc the day before the Nixon fiasco mayday protest of the vietnam war. I was a juvenile at the time so was taken off to the juvenile detention area and later to juvenile court. One thing I will never forget is how the washington dc police treated me. They were great. They treated me like a human being and with concern and I had a good time with them. I'll never forget those police. Hats off to them.

Then I was standing before a judge and this guy sitting at the prosecutors table kept making derogatory remarks about me like "this guy needs a haircut" (I had hair halfway down my back at the time) and other childish remarks. I turned around at one point and stared at him. He had this arrogant smirk on his face. I turned back to the judge (I was standing right in front of the judges bench) and said "your honor I know why I am here and I respect the court but do I have to listen to that?" Imagine I was 16 at the time. The judge said "NO YOU DON'T" and said to that attorney "If you make one more remark I'll have you held in contempt of court and fined" That attorney shut the fuck up. Clearly he was of the bush camp before his time.

I guess "freedoms" have degraded substantially in the U.S. But is anyone surprised?

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Message 9/16                 Date: 27-Jul-04  @  04:18 AM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be


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doesnt anyone else find it fcking ludicrous that a specific space was even built?

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Message 10/16                 Date: 27-Jul-04  @  06:10 AM   -   RE: Isn't all of America supposed to be



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i think that's kind of the whole point.

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