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Subject: George W. Bush will be relected!

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Original Message 1/29                 Date: 13-Jun-04  @  02:21 PM   -   George W. Bush will be relected!

not too politcal


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A lot of voters in the states just can't seem to bring themselves to vote for the other candidate...the guy who flip-flops of most of the issues. The media is just not supporting John Kerry say one non-partisan think tank.

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Message 2/29                 Date: 13-Jun-04  @  05:41 PM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!

not too politcal


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of course george bush 1 wasn't re-elected either.

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Message 3/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  04:18 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


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They say no incumbent who's approval rating was below 50% in the election year was ever re-elected. I hope that statistic holds true otherwise this country is in deep shit.

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Message 4/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  05:26 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


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but really, honestly, does it matter?

is dubya really at the controls? are they ever?

it seems pretty clear that theyre just puppets, so...unless theres a "regime change" then it'll likely be more of the same, dressed slightly differently, no?

could anyone really ever step in and drastically change the system thats so fcking profitable for "those who matter"?

I question the possibility

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Message 5/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  06:43 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!



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honestly...influx...does it matter?

that's the dumbest thing you've said or asked in a long time.

maybe you missed or simply chose to IGNORE items like this which i post occasionally (i'll post it AGAIN...and you can ignore it again if you choose):

The Washington Monthly often gets letters from eccentrics insisting that a cabal of powerful men secretly controls world events.
A recent story makes you understand why they might think that way.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Saudi Arabia's Binladen Group, the construction company owned by the family of Osama bin Laden (from whom Osama is estranged), has more than $2 million invested in a military contractor buy-out fund managed by the Carlyle Group. Carlyle's chairman is ex-Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci. Its senior counselor is former Secretary of State James Baker. The senior adviser to the firm's Asian Partners fund is former President George H.W. Bush.

that's SENIOR ADVISER. and that's papa advising.
that's 2 million in just a buy-out fund.
in other words....the bush family IS part of that cabal you hint at.
not puppets.

it's hard for you to be truly inspired...innit?

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Message 6/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  07:08 AM     Edit: 14-Jun-04  |  07:15 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


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did someone say something?

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Message 7/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!



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you ninny.

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Message 8/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  07:27 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!



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funny....last week you described yourself a social democrat....or something to that extent.
now you're like there's no difference between a bush/cheney/rumsfeld regime and a possible kerry/edwards ticket.

you're a crack up dude.

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Message 9/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  07:32 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


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fck me these auditory hallucinations are gonna drive me batty! Coulda sworn I heard something


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Message 10/29                 Date: 14-Jun-04  @  07:34 AM   -   RE: George W. Bush will be relected!


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oh, and...btw...I'll DEFINITELY be voting against Bush and Co. I dont trust any of em, even though Kerry snowboards, but getting rid of Bush would feel good

even though I still dont think it matters. if theyre that powerful theyll find a way.

call me more names, dude. it proves your superior intellect and understanding of the world and its workings

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