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Subject: memes

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Original Message 1/30                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  05:15 PM   -   memes


Posts: 6231

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every good writer acknowledges the power of the word. three words.. man, road, evening - access a torrent of sensory impressions, thoughts, emotions. crowley knew about semantics - whether you're a freemason or not, whether you understand, appreciate or acknowledge semantic abstraction or not, a bird will always communicate a freedom via flight, a thousand other things.

the klf understood it when they mention slapping a few notes on a 4/4 beat and out comes a thousand years of pain and lust.

i often talk about pragmatism vs. idealism; in and of itself a tactical 'pragmatism,' since ultimately i see no difference but use the first term to acknowledge the 'short term' logic people employ.

i need to tell you something about the world..

my old thing, it is the ideas that are alive and we are hosts, because one bad idea can wreck a million lives.

what i'm saying is that in order to be truly considerate of others, one absolutely must appreciate this concept (please read link if you haven't yet) otherwise you might be doing the best for everyone within line of sight, eg. using chemical fertiliser, but you're shitting on others. it's completely obvious to me that many cultures thrived with an understanding of the sovereignty of organic technology, yet 'technologic civilisation' obviously doesn't wish to admit the first thing about memes.. not profitable, and my child looks best in spandex or some shit.

now - if you ever find yourself in a position where the memetic, 'ideological' impact of a potential action is greater than the 'pragmatic' impact (eg. would be late for din-dins) you do it, and if you don't, may all hell ride you like a bitch for the rest of your days.

you cannot perceive the noosphere without appreciating memetic dynamics. if you cannot perceive the noosphere, you don't know where you are, or at least partially where you are.

now, wouldn't you want to do that?

i know you grasp this to a degree since you haven't pumped out any benassi style tracks yet. call it responsibility. but i need more from you.

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Message 2/30                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  11:54 PM   -   RE: memes



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i'd say you were most definitely my toughest client.

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Message 3/30                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: memes



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also my most generous.

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Message 4/30                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: memes


Posts: 7627

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link wouldnt link for me. can you check it?

I want to see what youre talkin about

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Message 5/30                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  03:26 AM     Edit: 17-Jun-04  |  07:56 AM   -   RE: memes


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Message 6/30                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  09:25 AM   -   RE: memes


Posts: 673

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This is all from the realization that time exists in a social sense. In most/all of our relationships with ourself or others we do not ackowledge time except beyond some felt emotion mass from previous meetings, to analzse while doing is trickey or perhaps impossible, analysis later denies the possibility for infinite complexity and eitherway complexity is denied and the dynamic of analysis impact on doing is an iterative cycle which again denies objectivity. Oh yeah what about pattern recognition - well thats either a short sell or a name for hocus pocus - either way its doesnt matter the whole point of recognition is seeing and that infers existence and that relies on the ability to see and then we are seeing what we want to see and...what was the point again.

Nemes are interesting - idea viruses are possible but lets take it further, what about the machinery of the virus, those 'recognisable' parts which when they come together form a possile viable individual (see blueprint for generic machine), are there parts, is there form related to function or parts present only to fill vacuum (chaperones), can we group these parts and see the same parts in other nemes (neme element demographics/epidemiology ). Really as muso guys you should recognise the repetition of the structure (regardless of content) like composition, arrangement etc.

Nemes are less interesting because they need conciousness to exist, an abstraction, so they could be a logical product of a thinking individual and so as a part of the equation are more to do with our exploration of consiousness than anything defendable in logic. ALso in this line nemes, as thought individuals do not repect the unity of design of the machines they run on, what I say is that nemes are a result of our physiological existence, perhaps a space between the conceptual and the architechtural

Becuase of this interaction dynamic (what is a noosphere - and tell me without sounding like a hippy) nemes are possibly inseparable so also difficult to defend, or how about the idea that nemes are linked through being discrete reflections of a multifaceted, multidimensional object, faces of nature, the good shape culture!

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Message 7/30                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: memes


Posts: 6231

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you're domestic teraism then? "my grampa likes ice cream" :P q: why is bush as a woman? a: more oil!

okay okay

specific hippies to avoid would help

influx - meme is like the polynesian super-me   neme is like tweaky.

ey, buck.

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Message 8/30                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  12:30 PM     Edit: 18-Jun-04  |  12:32 PM   -   RE: memes


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[image file]

I suggest this image for a deeper understanding

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Message 9/30                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  02:49 PM   -   RE: memes


Posts: 673

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[image file]

or perhaps looking here, yes yes I am sure its a very serious study

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Message 10/30                 Date: 18-Jun-04  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: memes

* compulsary

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Heaven 17 hummus, yummy

you expect too much

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