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Subject: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

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Original Message 1/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  07:19 PM   -   Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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yup! - Prince Harry sorts out a new look for the Sandhurst passing-out parade!



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  10:22 PM     Edit: 13-Jan-05  |  10:22 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Fukin stupid if you ask me. People are dying, drowning, starving all over the globe, and all the British press are concerned about is a poxy costume a slip of a prince wears to a fancy dress party

Who gives a fuck anyway! All I care about is where the money is coming from to buy my next software update.... asides, it wasn't even the official uniform

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Message 3/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  10:42 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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is that what its all about? he wore a costume?

man...this oversensitivity thing...its getting out of hand!

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Message 4/32                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  11:06 PM     Edit: 13-Jan-05  |  11:08 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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fuck I can't get my head round how this board works.... the stories here:


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Message 5/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  12:01 AM     Edit: 14-Jan-05  |  12:08 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Nah, flux, you have to remember that this is a member of the Royal Family. Thousand upon thousands have died defending this family, and they STILL collect tax money. They are more than simply figureheads. They are examples, and they have extremely large responsibilities as public figures. Harry is in line to be King. He can't do this sort of thing. There's too much money, and national honor involved. The Royal Family still owns the land, and still has the money, even though the day to day shit is run by Parliament. If Harry wants to just go and do as he pleases, he can abdicate. If he won't then he has to be responsible. Right now he's a being a fuckin idiot, and at the taxpayer's expense. Who do you think paid for his costume?

Admittedly, he apologized, but he really should have thought about it a bit more and come up with a better outfit. With all of the money and resources, as well as the amount spent on his education...well he could have sone a LOT better.

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Message 6/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  12:44 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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the public wasnt supposed to know about it innit... horrible as it may seem, i say thats a good display of dark humour and awareness as to his place in the society.

to be honest, in his place i woulda gone as that prince from blackadder. would have been even more fitting than a nazi uniform.

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Message 7/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:31 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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just another reason to let this poor disfunctional family fade into oblivion

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Message 8/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:45 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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so...would it be OK to wear a US uniform from WWII? British?

because BOTH those countries killed just as many innocents as the germans did in WWII.

I agree that someone at that level should be more aware, but perhaps he WAS totally aware and was making a statement? who knows

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Message 9/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:55 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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but it must be insane living under scrutiny like that.

at least they get to shag the butler

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Message 10/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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he was just being a typical 'toff regaling in anti p.c. little prick', ... they do it all the time.

if you want, you can do a whole thing about the upper class being nazi sympathisers ...

basically, over here, this resonates on so many levels about the fascist (think they are ruling) ruling class in the uk ...

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