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Subject: this is how we do it

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Original Message 1/32                 Date: 15-Jul-04  @  03:07 PM   -   this is how we do it



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A Republican strategy - to cast votes in the dark of the night while newspapermen are home sleeping (we're talking 3 in the morning).

"At 2:54 a.m. on a Friday in March," he begins, "the House cut veterans' benefits by three votes. At 2:39 a.m. on a Friday in April, the House slashed education and health care by five votes. At 1:56 a.m. on a Friday in May, the House passed the tax-cut bill, weighted especially towards millionaires, by a handful of votes."

"At 2:33 a.m. on a Friday in June, the House passed the Medicare privatization bill by one vote. At 12:57 a.m. on a Friday in June, the House eviscerated Head Start by one vote. And then, after returning from summer recess, at 12:12 a.m. on a Friday . . . the House voted $87 billion for Iraq," he continues.

"Always in the middle of the night, always after the press had passed their deadlines, always after the American people had turned off the news and gone to bed."

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Message 2/32                 Date: 15-Jul-04  @  04:42 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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this is how i do it.

went to see that pile of crap yesterday.. aargh, puts you to sleep, but i guess it's designed for american consciousness. i happened to point out in the 'my son is dead!' scene that a good way to condone bush's little exploits is to actually buy gas (believe it or fucking not)

the robot behind me says "think it through.. to take food on the roads.. for movies.." basically because a moron is incapable of separating gas from food or movies from entertainment. all the time with the slow nod and this thick web of accomplice, "knowing" on his mug.

"think it through.."

after the movie i addressed his cultural intelligence. his daughter, bright spark did the "but without gas, this shirt.." so buttons all over the room. we've got an audience now, so it's time for her to start pointing fingers and accuse me of saying the shit ignorance that her dad said.

i'm a bit tall and all, so i crouch down and put my finger up to her face, "now look me in the eye and tell me that i said that again.." so fuckwit dad is grabbing my hand and telling me to watch it. evidently NO ONE shall point a finger at his daughter. we got a circle of ushers now.

"i got no problem, but i'd like to hear you not falsely accusing me of saying what your dad says" and they're staring at me for a couple of seconds before they realise that they're attempting to implicate me in a violent scene as a surrogate for confronting their irresponsibility, but that they're revealed as barefaced liars now.

"think it through.." the bushes of the actual world are a viral form inhabiting burgeoning gasoline trade. it's damn simple. preventing burgeoning gas trade prevents bushes. bush is a completely natural occurence that pops up whenever you have mass irresponsibility in this fashion.

unless we identify the cause, we're only dealing with symptoms. i've got nothing better to do than to point this out to people first hand in life.

i guess that's what it's going to take. personally, it's a lot of bother and i'd really just rather see us all burn because if each person would rather see me in a fight for speaking the damn truth over just simply admitting their dependence on ding dongs has fucked us all, well..

that's the first step people, renounce the ding dong. like most artifacts, it's a piece of enslavement technology. why you gotta all be so unable to devise your own instruments and methods of amusement.

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Message 3/32                 Date: 15-Jul-04  @  09:58 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it

cydonia cell


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Ya know, i agree with ya xoxos... it's monstrous and until we get to the seed it will continue to grow...

but there's an old buddhist saying...

If you are struck with an arrow, do you wander around refusing medical aid until ou've identified the archer? Or do you get it treated and then worry about who's trying to kill you?

Well, there's two answers of course... and I think they really depend on how eminent the danger is. Either way, as a culture, as an "event" on this earth, we are hemorrhaging and man, right now it's a gusher. Perhaps some are working to get the arrow out before taking their sorry aim at the unknown...



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Message 4/32                 Date: 16-Jul-04  @  01:19 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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heh. xoxos tried to fight a little girl

man...I wish I coulda seen that. and the dad acting like you were truly assaulting her.

I cant quite get what happened...he said something, and then she said YOU said it?

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Message 5/32                 Date: 16-Jul-04  @  04:44 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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it's hard to believe someone....especially a little girl... could've misinterpreted
anything you said...x.

yeah...but a tall man putting his finger in the girl's face....well.....

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Message 6/32                 Date: 16-Jul-04  @  04:39 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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inserting meaningless data into a dispute is like "being a girl 101.." yeah, she just started making this absurd pronounciation like she wasn't done arguing with me.

beats me, perhaps she was playing with her dad, or perhaps she was trying to play the 'girl intimidation' card..

people with so many arrows in them should really start keeping an eye out.. especially when they go around saying "think it through." your typical industrialist looks like they're running an arrow repository.

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Message 7/32                 Date: 16-Jul-04  @  10:54 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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when a lot of em need an arrow SUPpository instead?

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Message 8/32                 Date: 17-Jul-04  @  03:40 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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It's a bizarre world Xoxos. That's why people like you have to keep your wits about you. And there are lots of others like you so don't feel isolated in that city Wherethefuckami, USA. In a way I'm lucky to live in New York City. You can say whatever you want. It's just that whatever you say nobody believes cuz most people in NYC are scheisters.

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Message 9/32                 Date: 17-Jul-04  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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not so much a 'forbidden from speaking' but the shock of opening my mouth and breaking the eaon-long pristine silence of complete acceptance. the visibly uncomfortable unfamiliarity with connecting facts..

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Message 10/32                 Date: 18-Jul-04  @  01:37 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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perhaps more effective__occasionally...would be to simply present the facts....in such a way as to appear helpful and generous...
instead of bashing them in often nearly-incomprehensible phraseology with threatening physical accompaniment.

a 15-year old girl certainly can't be guilty of eons of not connecting the truths...as you might see them.
she is merely a dot in a long line of dots.
if you really want to break the line it's worth trying to connect with her in a less incendiary manner.
of course she can act like she's eons worth of purist wisdom....perhaps even buddha herself.
sometimes all you can do is laugh and go on about the business of helping those who might actually perceive and appreciate your efforts as such.
otherwise we end up in the business of putting others out of their misery.....
and there are still laws against that.

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