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Subject: so then

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Original Message 1/57                 Date: 04-Jan-05  @  01:07 PM   -   so then


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if homeland security can become because of a few thousand dead then what can happen if there are 150,000 dead

brown people

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Message 2/57                 Date: 04-Jan-05  @  02:08 PM   -   RE: so then


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Message 3/57                 Date: 05-Jan-05  @  04:10 AM   -   RE: so then


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A Thai meterologist warned of a tsunami in 1998. It never reached Thailand and he was fired for spreading panic and spoiling tourism. He also wanted a warning system then. Now he has been reinstated.

Humans are still quite primal. We only react to dangers we can see and understand, despite science.

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Message 4/57                 Date: 05-Jan-05  @  07:05 AM   -   RE: so then


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Quite astute, gary. Where you been lately? All's well, i hope.

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Message 5/57                 Date: 05-Jan-05  @  06:40 PM   -   RE: so then


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yeah, i'm surprised no-ones asked this MORE.... ok, you cant predict earthquakes really, but, surely all over the world scientists saw the quake as it happened because they are monitoring that sort of thing day in day out... the waves hit 3 HOURS later... so... why was no-one warned in that 3 hour gap?
(those who could be warned at least)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/57                 Date: 05-Jan-05  @  09:30 PM   -   RE: so then


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'cause they are not paying for the service.

i don't pay and don't have cable. i didn"t get to see janet's tit live. simple

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Message 7/57                 Date: 07-Jan-05  @  02:24 AM   -   RE: so then


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Right and the only countries who subscribe to the warning system are the ones who have regular tsunamis. Point in case. Even if South Asia subsribed, it wouldn't help much because every local police station would have to know along with every hotel and every tourist. Education basically. But it's worse than say a hurricane that comes in 10 times slower. So the system would have to be 10 times more effective. Even in places like Seattle. Big tsunami arrival time 10 minutes. What good would a warning system do?

Psy, I'm fine. Just can't get on chat. Tried to send you an e-mail. If send a dt "fan" mail will you get it?

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Message 8/57                 Date: 07-Jan-05  @  05:53 AM     Edit: 07-Jan-05  |  05:54 AM   -   RE: so then


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that should work, yes.

It's always sad and slightly amusing how every time a natural disaster hits like this, we try to place blame in ourselves for lack of a warning system. I think ya have to chalk it up to "shit happens" every now and then. No matter how clever we think we can get, the universe will always find a way to throw a "fuck you, ya ain't got a clue" our way every now and then. This is the human experience.

I don't mean to sound callous... the carnage from this disaster is truly gutting, emotionally. But we will survive and learn... that's the point innit...

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Message 9/57                 Date: 07-Jan-05  @  06:20 AM   -   RE: so then



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nature giveth what it also takes away.

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Message 10/57                 Date: 07-Jan-05  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: so then


Posts: 686

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