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Subject: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!

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Original Message 1/10                 Date: 06-Oct-05  @  03:05 PM   -   Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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what the fick!?!?!


i personally like des but don't think he would fit very well, then again not sure how much i care as i never watch it, guess im just gutted i put money on noel edmonds and giles brandreth...but seriously Des Lynam?!?!?!?!?


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Message 2/10                 Date: 06-Oct-05  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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anything that keeps that twat brandreth off the telly is a good thing.

noel never really recovered from making that bloke jump to his death off a crane.

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Message 3/10                 Date: 06-Oct-05  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!

The Moujik

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There was a programme on 5 recently - "The Curse of Noel Edmonds" or some such guff... anyway, there was a snippet of an interview where he threatened a comeback, something like "I don't think the public has had enough of me yet, I may be back so watch this space..."


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Message 4/10                 Date: 06-Oct-05  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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noel never really recovered from making that bloke jump to his death off a crane.

What? ok im being nieve- what was that about!!

i only wanted brandeth cos the odds were so good, other than that the little mincer can feck off..

bet lynam sticks one up verderman the silver fox...


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Message 5/10                 Date: 06-Oct-05  @  05:12 PM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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[from wikipedia]

He later moved to a Saturday early evening slot, first with The Late, Late Breakfast Show. The show was cancelled by the BBC in autumn 1986 following an accident in which Michael Lush, a viewer who had been selected to take part in a live stunt for the 'Whirly Wheel' section, was killed during rehearsal. The accident was apparently caused by lack of trained bungee jumping supervision.

at least something good came out of it, noel hasn't been on tv since.

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Message 6/10                 Date: 07-Oct-05  @  05:37 AM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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hear hear! - we dont want that useless c*nt back on TV... I'd rather suffer listening to a Timmy Mallet album, and that's saying something!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/10                 Date: 07-Oct-05  @  08:46 AM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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wasn't he on noels house party and tele addicts for most of the ninties- that gay christmas show too...


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Message 8/10                 Date: 07-Oct-05  @  10:48 AM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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I vote for Boris Johnson. He's funny. In a pompous way.

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Message 9/10                 Date: 07-Oct-05  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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Boris?... he's a complete upper class twat who'd be living on the street drinking fuckin Kestrel Superstrength if he didnt have family money to cover his arse. but yes, he is funny is a sort of 'lets laugh at upperclass twits who are a throwback to the Bertie Wooster days' vibe

actualy, on the subject, i was pleasantly surprised to discover that Woodehouse is Lemmy's (Motorhead) favourite author. Good man!.... i find Woodehouse incredibly funny for some reason, it's the way he writes it all i guess, sorta like Raymond Chandler it's just dripping with a unique 'first person' style. On the other hand it's kinda frightening to think those halfwits really did exists and ruled society not so long ago, not that the replacement higherarchy are much better tho... *sigh*


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/10                 Date: 07-Oct-05  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: Des Lynam on Countdown?!?!?!


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Yar i saw that, surprised me too- i wonder if he likes a bit of tom sharpe aswell but yeah was surpising, you would have though it would have been karoac or summat

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