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Subject: Gay Bishops Row

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Original Message 1/17                 Date: 25-Feb-05  @  02:39 PM   -   Gay Bishops Row


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what is wrong with these guys, i just dont get it.

I cant recall anywhere in the teachings of Jesus that he said "you cannot be gay"

a bunch of idiots if you ask me, sacrificing a section fo society for political expediency it seems.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/17                 Date: 25-Feb-05  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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i thought this was gonna be a film clip of two queers in cassocks having a bitch slap session.

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Message 3/17                 Date: 25-Feb-05  @  10:09 PM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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heh heh - lol


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/17                 Date: 26-Feb-05  @  04:20 AM     Edit: 26-Feb-05  |  06:13 AM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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It's the God bit I don't understand I mean what the fuck are they all on about?You might as well believe in Osiris or Zeus or Thor if you're going to swallow the Allah,Jesus,Jehovah explanation for things.The Church of England was founded on going against the moral authority of its time.

Whenever I read of religious types Gay Bashing for God, I always think of the scene in The Naked Civil Servant where a group of big bruisers trash a small greasy spoon cafe place that a small group of homosexual men met together in.

John Hurt plays the lead role and he's facing this big heavy built guy who's just about to give him a doing,John Hurt says defiantly"You better piss off before they all find out!".

Maybe all these ones that are so against it have a secret room at the back of their minds that they go to, where they don't want GOD to see them cavorting around in their pink leather gay biker outfit pelvic thrusting at a hairy bottom to the groovy sounds of village people singing"Y M C A! Y M C A a a".Do they get
brownie points with GOD for condemning gay people?I mean why did GOD create gay people then?(If in fact you believe that there is a god who created everything including sexuality)

I mean if you're not into it what the fuck is the problem? If the situation ever arises where someone makes a move on you and you're not into it what's wrong with simply saying"No thanks I'm not into that"
I mean there's no need to point the big moral finger whilst shouting at the top of your lungs

"This filthy pervert wants to fuck me and so should burn in eternal torment in the scorching fires of HELL!"

"Never forget that the foundation of the Church of England is the bollocks of Henry the VIIIth"as the Catholics like to remind us.

He had a real kink for the 6 finger shuffle just ask Ann Bolyn.

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Message 5/17                 Date: 26-Feb-05  @  04:55 AM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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Hey guys, not putting any personal opinion into this, but from what ive read, the catholic church's point of view on gays is something like this: they don't mind gay people, its people who decide they are gay for sexual reasons. the church does not approve of any form of sexual conduct that isnt innitiated for productive purposes only- so that pretty much rules out the idea of being gay. if you want to look further into the argument though, the church believes that people are not born gay, but it is a choice made by purely physical/sexual desires.

hey, ive had to sit through 4 years of religion classes, i might as well pipe up any random information when i can :P

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Message 6/17                 Date: 26-Feb-05  @  09:32 AM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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it's not just the catholics, it's the anglican church who are getting their cassocks in a twist over this. big problem for the anglicans is africa where the anglican church is very popular and where being gay is that voodoo you don't do.

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Message 7/17                 Date: 26-Feb-05  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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" its people who decide they are gay for sexual reasons"

wtf are you on about?

but yeah, what pict said. fuck god.

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Message 8/17                 Date: 26-Feb-05  @  11:45 AM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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lol... agreed, it's politics... fascist africans bending the church to their will and the church, cos it's dying in the west, is all; "yeah yeah whatever you want, we dont care that your goverment is a fascist nazi military regime and you oppress women and mutilate them....as long as your not fucking GAY!!!!"

LOL... what-ever!... 'bums on seats' etc


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/17                 Date: 26-Feb-05  @  02:55 PM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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if bisexuality wasn't such a taboo, they're would be less rape, less child molested and less divorce.

- not tonight , i have a headache.

- no problem honey, let me bring you some aspirin. have a good rest. i'll go see what charlie's up to.

the programming same sex sex=bad is secular and very firmly rooted

give a buddy a hand : )

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Message 10/17                 Date: 26-Feb-05  @  07:15 PM     Edit: 26-Feb-05  |  08:25 PM   -   RE: Gay Bishops Row


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I must confess, I'm a bit puzzled by The Jews in all of this. You see, this stuff is laid out in Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." That's all Old Testament with Moses and Aaron, burnt offerings, and wierd bloody altar consecration shit: i.e. it's in the Torah. Yet I don't hear them making a big stink about this, and never really have, come to think of it.

I know a few gay Jews and they don't have a problem with their orientation in relation with their religion. Still, you've got some of the most religious zeolots in the world burning and bombing and torturing non-believers each day, so fanatical that Europe said "Fuck it, have your own country!"; and they kinda turn a blind eye to this...but the Rome won't? For fuck's sake, the Catholic Church is BUILT on a load of buggering powerhungry freaks that have been parasitically feeding off of the rest of mankind since the Middle Ages. Why go after their own? If there is a God, as depicted in the Judeo-Christian mythos, he must certainly have a taste for hypocrisy, irony, and suffering.

What makes any one person more holy than another, if we are all creations of the Almighty? Does the Almighty take a look and go "Eeny-meeny-miney-moe...you're fucked!...Eeny-meeny-miney-moe...you're a saint...you're gay...you're in...you're out...and YOU get to the BACK of the line!!"? I doubt it. We're all made of up the same stuff, everyone and everything.

You get the picture.


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