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Subject: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD

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Original Message 1/11                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  08:56 PM   -   Meeting a Synthesizer GOD


Posts: 2003

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Last Saturday was a magical night. I invited Don Buchla to come to our party and he showed up. He's an amazing and awesome character. Super knowledgeable and real as a person. It was very cool to meet the man as just another guy who ties his own shoes, and play music for him, and not just be some dork all over his shit, gushing about...well , shit that he's heard a million times and probably has moved on from, as a man who is extremely busy doing his thing, making magical, complex ideas into reality to help others make theirs manifest as well. No picture taking, no autographs, or any of that shit, just hanging out, and enjoying a couple beers and some jungle juice, while people dance, cavort, and frollic. That was fuckin hip, I tell you. Moments like that are special, not because it was hanging out with some "star", but just a nice old guy, with real heart, vision, and knows the fuckin deal, backward, forward, and even sideways. I would even have offered him some psychedelics, but I thought that might be a bit much on first meeting. Maybe another time.


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Message 2/11                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  09:26 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD



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good call on holding off on your offer ape.
if he's that down-to-earth....
he's most likely been-there>done-that and finds meaning through his creative efforts....plus seeing the joy these creations bring to others.

his presence would be something i'd want to respect by not presuming anything..
especially that which might damage any understanding...
just as easily as it might nurture it.
maybe another time.
sounds like a good party though.

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Message 3/11                 Date: 18-Oct-04  @  11:50 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD


Posts: 2003

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I dunno, the way he plowed through those beers and jungle juice...but yeah, maybe another time. I'm looking forward to owning and using one of his synths someday.


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Message 4/11                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD



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haha....like i said!
sounded funlike.

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Message 5/11                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD


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dibs on those psychedelics he didn't get offered..

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Message 6/11                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD


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Yeah, um........ *raises her hand* Can I get some too???

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Message 7/11                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD



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i think he's uploading now.

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Message 8/11                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD


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If you're ever in the Bay Area, and I have any left, I'll be happy to fry you out. Love is to be given, not taken.


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Message 9/11                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  09:29 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD

SignalRunners - Andrew

Posts: 1071

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does he make trance?

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Message 10/11                 Date: 19-Oct-04  @  09:43 PM   -   RE: Meeting a Synthesizer GOD


Posts: 5701

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lol... by the title, i thought someone had actually met xoxos

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