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Subject: Divide and rule

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Original Message 1/27                 Date: 07-Nov-04  @  04:56 PM   -   Divide and rule


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And then legislation will allow it

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Message 2/27                 Date: 07-Nov-04  @  05:21 PM   -   RE: Divide and rule



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i think there's a clue in here...in this passage:

He lambasted strict Catholics and compared the Jewish mayor of Amsterdam to a 'collaborator with the Germans' for taking a soft line on Islam after the 11 September attacks on the US.

it seems he wasn't just in support of women's rights in islam...but fairly against islam itself in a rigorous way.

men of clay used to do a song called> ban religion.

" it causes too much pain...oppression and hate....
let's ban this ancient farce...before it's just too late!!!!!!"

that goes for all sides...the militant christians....jews...muslims....catholics versus protestants....ACK!!!!

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Message 3/27                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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but not the daleks!

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Message 4/27                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  08:33 PM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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Oh, yes... let's Ban people's right's to believe in something that isn't defineable.

Man, hating religion is the same as a rape victim hating all men because her attacker was a man.

Middle Ground, young jedi... middle ground


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Message 5/27                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: Divide and rule



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you take me too seriously e~.
i didn't write the words to ban religion.
i thought it was a fun song to play.....
a riotous laugh at that.

like i'm really gonna be banning the vatican....
hee hee.
i will sneer in it's face though.

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Message 6/27                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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You want to get a good feel for it? Listen to this:


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Message 7/27                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: Divide and rule



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oh yeah...i remember some more words from the end:

who really can be sure?!!???
be safe! JUST BELIEVE!
pray for your hipocrasy

e> i take it ya didn't like the cr@ss either?

we did big a little a>

i know...it's all OLD shit...but the spirit remains.

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Message 8/27                 Date: 08-Nov-04  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: Divide and rule


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Loved Crass, when I was a reactionary kid

Punk Rock in general, and a lot of reactionary anit religion there too... but that didn't make it correct. At least not as I see it...

And yeah it is old... and nothing new comes close to the energy and purpose of what they did back then in the punk scene..

But then, in the punk scene they'd have shit all over your boy Kerry too...


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Message 9/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  01:45 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule



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>>>>>in the punk scene they'd have shit all over your boy Kerry too...

oh you mean they wouldn't be sitting bitch?

i.e. sitting in the middle?

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Message 10/27                 Date: 09-Nov-04  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Divide and rule


Posts: 2003

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Did ya listen to that sound file yet? George does a good job of spelling it out, I'm tellin ya. And you'll laugh. Wtf? It's free!!! Take it!!!


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