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Subject: russia

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Original Message 1/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  04:05 PM   -   russia



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when will man's spirit learn to accept the rule of a larger omnipotent police-state and
learn to denounce the desire to live free and independent lives?

and why is the U.S. so eager to help russia maintain it's borders now...when not that long ago....it denounced it as empire?
and actually spent mega-billions trying to contain it?
in some ways it might be more free...but is it?
how is it that those who were considered freedom-fighters are now be terrorists?

well....for one.....those poor children and their families.

it seems war has no prejudice against the innocent and never will.

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Message 2/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  04:25 PM   -   RE: russia


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be more concerned for your countries insistence for one war or another

sure justifies that defence spend

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Message 3/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: russia



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this is a good point (and one i neglected to include as one CAN'T include ALL points to appease our young hungarian father here...oh but i try).

anyway....it does seem there is some oil interest in that region....
and though hardly advertised....we can be assured that big machines roll through the region regularly in search of....in need of...in want of....and needless to say>? determined to clear the path of all those who might oppose.

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Message 4/88                 Date: 03-Sep-04  @  05:32 PM   -   RE: russia


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evidently this next century is the "century of liberty" according to bush. perhaps the main resource for this century is opinion. it's not like there aren't any russians on the internet.

time to take ver the world, eh...

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Message 5/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: russia



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bush's new motto:

give them liberty or give them death.

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Message 6/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  03:27 AM   -   RE: russia


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You gotta feel for the children in captivity and their parents. What a nightmare it must be. At least if us grown ups eff up keep the children out of it.

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Message 7/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  04:22 AM   -   RE: russia



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it's impossible to keep children out of war.
...but it's so insane to go directly TO them to involve them.

i can't know what the chechnyans have suffered.
i've read some things but that doesn't come close to actually grasping the depth of their personal traumas.
for sure... they must've suffered horribly to justify this act within themselves.
many of them were women, as well.....those who've lost their families
to russia's enforcing their military sovereignty over them.

at some point...it's madness....cruel hopeless and without forgiveness.

but we have a "war-president".....so i'll just worry about him....and nevermind these conflicts anywhere else.

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Message 8/88                 Date: 04-Sep-04  @  06:15 AM   -   RE: russia



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a good editorial....fairly brief.

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Message 9/88                 Date: 05-Sep-04  @  02:00 AM   -   RE: russia



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i was never that happy for the russians when they so-called "became free".

it wasn't long before drugs and prostitution and violent crime seemed to go rampant.
i also read about the red square having hundreds if not thousands of soap-box preachers converting people to christiantiy on any given day.
that would seem like a scary thing to me.
journalists critical of putin find their front-doors exploded...and he goes jet-skiing when his submarine crews are experiencing their last horrible day alive at the ocean-bottom.
lots and lots of things happen in a place so vast and deep with history.

i'm moved to resurrect "soviet boy".
not that i can know a thing...but i sure can feel it.
even from here.

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Message 10/88                 Date: 06-Sep-04  @  10:01 AM   -   RE: russia


Posts: 673

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Real pocket 9/11, every excuse to go clean up those pesky chechen terrorists now. Fucking intergovernmental conferences

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