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Subject: sterilisation Eugenics

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Original Message 1/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  04:36 PM   -   sterilisation Eugenics


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"To its critics, Project Prevention or Crack - an American organisation which pays drug addicts and alcoholics to be sterilised - is a terrifying throwback to the neutering of "defectives" during the 20th Century."


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Message 2/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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At least they get money. Ford used to fund sterilization of African women and they thought they were getting medical care

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Message 3/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  07:50 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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Also its a great way of taking advantage of the colour bias in the prison system and getting rid of those nasty ethnic minorities

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Message 4/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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Message 5/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  08:44 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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this is gonna piss some people off, but...

if society is the one that has to accept the burden of "faulty" people, then doesnt society have the right to limit that burden?

sterilization, with eugenics in mind is horribly frightening and is just screaming for misuse, but...

what about a welfare mom...3 kids, getting checks from the system, and doing nothing to change it. Smoking crack, shooting heroin, whatever.

maybe not sterilize, but Depo-Provera perhaps until she proves that she can raise children properly?

some of you PC ers are gonna scream about this, and believe me Im NOT all for having a big ol govt sayin whats right and whats wrong, but some things prove themselves, without need for outside explanation. some people should not reproduce...temporarily even, and I feel that it is fair for the ones cleaning up the mess they create to say "no more until you can prove that you will take this responsibility unto yourself and not leave it to us"

PERSONALLY I think voluntary birth control is a MUST. NOT based on race, class, or any subjective terms, but based purely on the ability to support progeny and do right by them

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Message 6/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  09:05 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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"We don't allow dogs to breed. We spay them. We neuter them. We try to keep them from having unwanted puppies, and yet these women are literally having litters of children,"

such a nice person, dont you think?

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Message 7/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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"burden of "faulty" people"

"raise children properly"

"some people should not reproduce"

"the ability to support progeny and do right by them"

who's making these judgements influx? you?

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Message 8/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  10:37 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics



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I'm not PC, but I mislike this idea yo! Not because it is somehow repulsive in and of itself (though to my mind it is, like guns which I think are pathetic but wouldn't dream of taking away) but because I have a problem with this notion that "we/they" have some right to clean it up!

Who decides who must pony up to the depo bar?

On what grounds? At what point does the line cross over to you? Drug addicted? Alchoholic? Poor? Immoral? Not Christian? Not A patriot? Not White?

I don't like it because it means something uglier to me than the idea of addicts having babies... It means the "government" gets to say who breeds and who doesn't... and I do NOT like that at all!


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Message 9/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  11:03 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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Its not the government, its a small NFP that is gaining approval from governmental institutions by way of referral. Support is coming from the private sector. Approval is a nod, support is a check. Can you see the difference?

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Message 10/166                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  11:18 PM     Edit: 03-Sep-03  |  12:09 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

PlazIdyllic Pleazurkraft

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An NFP builds a pier supported by pylons to provide safe support for those who will be walking on the boardwalk. A group of private individuals see this construction going on and decide they like the idea of said pier so they start writing checks to help finance the construction.

All the while, the government is sunning itself on the adjacent beach and, having watched said pier being built decides its a good pier and says approvingly, "looks sturdy, perhaps some of the stressed out folk who are coming to see my mental health agencies could use it to take peaceful walks at sunset to help them relieve their anxiety." (Stress caused, no doubt, by reactionaries screaming "Eugenicists everywhere!!!.")

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