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Subject: Spot - Slag from the Past

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Original Message 1/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  02:49 PM   -   Spot - Slag from the Past



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Dont be angry with Spot. He is a relic from a Dancetech of yesteryear, and has not been around to see it change from an all out slag-a-thon to a sensitive caring and politically correct environment.

Back in 98 we had the likes of Charlie and Acid Cat causing mayhem in the forums, we were conditioned to inject as much hurt and venom into a post as possible. Failing that we'd resort to predictable toilet humour. This is not the case today which is something Spot still hasnt come to terms with.

I am sure when he spends some time here he will realise that you are all top class chaps and his attitude will mellow. He will come to accept the new way, and the unwritten code of conduct by which we all adhere to. (apart from me coz I'm a c*nt).

I would like to take this oppurtunity to say that Spot is not my gay lover, he is a fat tosser who just owes me money.

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards


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Message 2/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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tut, i spose you newbies just arent cut out for my harsh mouth, i'd like to say your all fairly decent blokes, but yer not, your all Cunts ;)

Bring back Charlie and Acid Flaps!

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Message 3/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

originality police


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Now THIS is Fucking hilarious. Spot, unhappy with simply posting like a schizophrenic toddler botherer is now resorting to posting as his butt monkey chutney ferret HIV companion, Jock, in a futile bid to regain some respect when in reality, he had none.

Keep trying to convince us Spot, your posts tell a different story.. However, you have proven to be resiliant, we will observe further!


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Message 4/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:02 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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hmm, nope that really was Jock, penis breath

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Message 5/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:08 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

originality police


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And WE'RE supposed to believe a single thing you say? Shite-shafter?

Besides, you're supposed to be Fucking off for half an hour to our mothers remember? At least be consistant dolt!


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Message 6/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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your outing me?

hahaha, ga'n then

when yer ready

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Message 7/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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Actually yes, it was me who posted that.

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Message 8/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

originality police


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No need. Job done. You've done all the damage you need..

Don't be upset, you don't know any better.

And it is truely a thing of man-love that Jock has done for you spot. You should repay him as only you know how.


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Message 9/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past


Posts: 240

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yawn, i can go on all day.


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Message 10/58                 Date: 05-Sep-03  @  03:17 PM   -   RE: Spot - Slag from the Past

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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do you want a pinapple forcefully inserted into your japs eye you ? because your going the right way about it. Stop watching and fuck off back to work. You limp wristed used tampon.

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