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Subject: Would you sell your song to porno?

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Original Message 1/49                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  11:36 PM   -   Would you sell your song to porno?



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Would you sell your song to the big time porno biz? By the way.. it doesn't have to be hardcore


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Message 2/49                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?


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absoLUTEly. Now THERE'S a worthy cause. God knows they can use all the help (musically) they can get.


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Message 3/49                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?



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I feel the market of porn music hasn't fully been exploited yet

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Message 4/49                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  11:59 PM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?


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actually had an offer. refused it.

funny thing about porn..I will watch it to have a wank or get off with my girl, but theres something that I ultimately feel is 'wrong' deep down in there and Id feel uneasy contributing to it.

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Message 5/49                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  11:59 PM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?


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You mean they PAY for that music?

awesome, where do i sign?

Can I watch while composing?

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Message 6/49                 Date: 04-Oct-02  @  12:01 AM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?



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I saw one once which had the Rebirth default song playing as the backing - lol!!

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Message 7/49                 Date: 04-Oct-02  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?


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Message 8/49                 Date: 04-Oct-02  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?



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lol :D

I think you need to play the sax to get the big deals in the porno industry =)

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Message 9/49                 Date: 04-Oct-02  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?


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Maybe in the 70's man... it's all Casio today. $30 will get you the entry-level porn machine.

There ain't nothin' wrong with porn, influx. Sure it's a male-dominated industry but that's just because women don't buy the shit. Women may seem like they're treated like shit, but they get paid much more than the men.

Don't you think prostitution should be legal? I would think you would. Just like other arguments with drugs/alcohol/sexuality, there may be victims, but ultimately it's a victimless crime between consenting adults. At least that's what I think.


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Message 10/49                 Date: 04-Oct-02  @  01:00 AM   -   RE: Would you sell your song to porno?


Posts: 7627

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"There ain't nothin' wrong with porn, influx. Sure it's a male-dominated industry but that's just because women don't buy the shit. Women may seem like they're treated like shit, but they get paid much more than the men."

I didnt mean it like that. Misogyny and that...just...

it so COMPLETELY cheapens something that really is (can be) special...

theres more to it, but it has nothing to do with direct 'harm'...its just another sick commodification of humanity.

as for the legality..I dont think ANYTHING should be legistlated based on morality. NOTHING. No one has the right to impose their standards on anyone else. bar none

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