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Subject: Ten Wacky Animal Facts

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Original Message 1/76                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:56 AM   -   Ten Wacky Animal Facts

Mr Bash


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1. The house fly hums in the key of F major.

2. Tigers have striped skni, not just striped fur.

3. A goldfish has a 3 second memory.

4. The giant squid has the biggest eyes in the world.

5. The male gypsy moth can smell the virgin female from 1.8 miles away.

6. A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.

7. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

8. Pigs can become alcholics.

9. A Blue whales tounge weighs more than an entire elephant.

10. The waste produced by one chicken in its entire lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100-watt buld for 5 hours.

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Message 2/76                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  10:50 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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one of the proudest moments of my life was when a fly buzzed by and my girl asked me what the pitch was. I said F and hummed it to the piano and I was right! Only time I've ever had perfect pitch (actually it was relative to another song in my head at the time).

Of course, I didn't know the factoid. It's not quite so cool when you make it all known like that.


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Message 3/76                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:16 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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what about a sad fly?

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Message 4/76                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:24 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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c minor

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Message 5/76                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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horny fly?

B flat?

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Message 6/76                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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y'know flies are just training bots for patience excercises.  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/76                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  12:45 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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ahhh.. grasshopper....

now go wash my car...

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Message 8/76                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  02:40 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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A new born elephant brain weighs more than a new born human.

An elephant can crush every parasite on its skin with one squeeze.

In recent times elephants rip the tusks out of dead elephants and smash them something which they never did in the past.

A dog's sense of smell is 1 million times stronger when it's hungry than when it's full.

Polar bear fur isn't white it's transparent it captures light in such a way that it appears white.

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Message 9/76                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  11:39 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


Posts: 90

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> In recent times elephants rip the tusks out of dead elephants and smash them something which they never did in the past.

Elephants are the only other animal that recognises and mourns over their dead.

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Message 10/76                 Date: 01-Nov-02  @  11:46 AM     Edit: 01-Nov-02  |  11:48 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


Posts: 12353

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"Polar bear fur isn't white it's transparent it captures light in such a way that it appears white"

lol! - anything that is white does that. it doesnt 'capture light', quite the contrary, it reflects all frequency bands. (sorry, I'm a painter too) if it absorbed them all it'd be black... hence black objects heat up faster than white ones (remember those light bulbs with a black/white propellor blade in it that spins when it is placed in sunlight ?? - it spinds cos one blade is repelling the light/heat and one is absorbing... so it spins)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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