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Subject: Guitar Band Talk

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Original Message 1/67                 Date: 01-Oct-02  @  06:39 PM   -   Guitar Band Talk


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Was listening to Steve Lamaq on radio one for a change. They were talking about the current guitar band scene and discussing how it's an interesting time for guitar bands. Kinda like the late 80's cause all the labels (major and minor)A&R people are sitting in the front two rows at all these small gigs. Basically trying to find the next "Strokes" or "White Strips".

Apparently major labels are going back to the old school. Basically, trying to find bands and nuture them into the next "U2" or "REM". There's this band in Denmark (can't remember the name) and they were totally unknown out of their country. Even in their country they only played gigs and didn't ever record/release anything. Anyway, word spread and they've just been signed for a 7 figure sum.

The circle turns and now the labels are heavily into signing guitar bands. Its cool watching bands (I'm not a regular guitar gig attender) like Ash and The White Stripes though, cos there is always this strange kinda sexual tension going on between the male lead singers and the female guitarist/drummer. Its like go and rent a bloody room!

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Message 2/67                 Date: 01-Oct-02  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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i thought they were married?... (stripes) - anyways a "7 figure sum" doesnt mean much... nuff artists get xx million launches and flop still.

the problem I see it is they are trying to create an alternative to the genuine youth market which they dont want to touch or want to back away from a bit, ('urban' music).. but in rock there isnt really any new style to cash in on like there was in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's & 90's... it's all been done already - how much 'harder' can band go?... not much... so what's the alternative?.. songs are scarce on the ground I heard.. plenty of bands, no decent writers tho so they say... So you got thrashy stuff, sorta 'grunge leftovers' but where the old grunge guys were drawing on older music for their influence and thus propelled quality songs by taking that influence and dirtying it up, the new bands i dont think have any much musical history to draw from so their songs are a bit like badly rehashed simple chords. it's sort of lost it's spark so they are going for novelty records almost right now until a new genre appears to bandwaggon onto I guess...

i think mebbe a classic rock sound will make a comeback soon... a move away from this endless 'thrash with melody' clones, back to a little 'guitar heroism' a bit, and more musician-y bands mebbe??...

Britian has DEFINATELY lost out totaly in rock now tho.

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Message 3/67                 Date: 01-Oct-02  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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radiohead's next album better be another "bends" or they're going to be in the same underground boat as all us other synthers.

wouldn't it be a perfect time for another rock radiohead album? THAT's classic rock IMO.


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Message 4/67                 Date: 02-Oct-02  @  08:40 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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I really liked At the Drive-In but then Grand Royal folded and they broke up.

dunno..tool/perfect circle...still heavy and still quite good

the new stuff? CRAP.

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Message 5/67                 Date: 02-Oct-02  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk



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at the drive in broke up.. dman that makes me happy.. they were so..bad (personal opinion) not offend anyone..
this is to the peple here in USA.. WHat do you guys think about the whole Emo-rrock thing? its gotten so big in this last year or so.. seems like its for the grown up scenester punk rockers and old goths... I see so many people in hick hats and super tight clothes.. its weird.. I went to couple shows and there was this band called Dutvh flat.. pretty emo uset skinny guys they were.. they had 2 drummers and used some synths it was pretty cool... I just dont like guitars too much because of the whole everyone who wanted to be a rockstar picked up a guitar when we were in 8 th grade... back to my cave.

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Message 6/67                 Date: 02-Oct-02  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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but now everyone wants to be a techno star

and at the drive in was NOT bad

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Message 7/67                 Date: 02-Oct-02  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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yeah they were ;)

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Message 8/67                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  01:55 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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OH jesus if Radiohead made another bends or pablo honey, I'd puke and cry myself to sleep. Even THEY admit they hate both of those albums... There fanbase would die down QUICK.

Oh, and god praise MBV Loveless.

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Message 9/67                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  02:16 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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you think, espoo?

Funny how all my "radio-headed" friends want another Bends. At least an ok computer. They're all rockers, though. I could go either way. But if you're talkin about saving rock, another rock Radiohead album would do the cause well, no? regardless of whether you liked the bends or not.


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Message 10/67                 Date: 03-Oct-02  @  09:09 AM   -   RE: Guitar Band Talk


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I love Radiohead's actual music but that Tom bloke's (lead singer) voice is bloody awful. I'm all for a pained expression in vocals but his singing is just plain rubbish.

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