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Subject: if yer into cars

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Jun-04  @  07:39 PM   -   if yer into cars

Broken Silence

Posts: 1071

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I went to the concourso this weekend, it was really cool. It was a ferrari club of america thing, really nice event. The entire weekend was a benifit for children with problems basically. On saturday we took kids from broken homes, and not just like slightly broken homes, for rides in the ferarris, gave them gifts etc and donated the shelter money. (the club = we). The kids absolutley LOVED it...ever single one of them just lit up around the cars, etc it was really great. It was really sad- my dad and I took 4 kids out for rides, zoomin around and letting them crawl around the car etc. One of them was a little girl, about 3-4 years old. Everything she said started with "my mommy and daddy-------" like "my mommy and daddy like my shoes, do you like them?" "my mommy and daddy think we're going fast!!" etc...absolutley heartbreaking. The kids love these events..but you get just as much out of them that they do.

On sunday, we went to the bigger event for the children's hospital. Ferarri club of america is i think number 3 or 4 for the top donators for children's hospital. (the local club, not the national) We had kids in IV's rolling out to see the cars, get a chance to sit in them etc...then we took some kids who were able to get in to the cars for a parade and a ride around town. Our 2 in the car just loved it...it absolutely brightens up their day---was really great. It was just so sad though..my dad's best friend who has the same car took a 17 year old black girl around--her parents could barely afford treatment, and she had been in the hospital for literally all of her life for a brain tumor. Pronounced dead twice. Just gives me chills thinking about it... just snaps you into fucking place to see these kids.

It was really great though, the kids loved it and the parents and nurses etc were SO appreciative...they said that the kids (who were still around from last year) remember every second of it, and dont stop talking about the parade, and getting to crawl around cars etc for weeks.

I dont have any pictures of the kids in the cars, etc because legally we werent allowed to take pictures of the kids in the orphanage and at the hospital, only event leaders and parents took pictures. I do have some of the show though, some gorgeous cars for those who like em!

(250GT Lusso...cant remember what year, but its a late 60's car, probably around 67-68 or something I bet)

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Message 91/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  01:48 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 1005

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It's illuminating that you see the Jante lov in a positive light

1. You shall not think that you are special.
2. You shall not think that you are of the same standing as us.
3. You shall not think that you are smarter than us.
4. Don't fancy yourself as being better than us.
5. You shall not think that you know more than us.
6. You shall not think that you are more important than us.
7. You shall not think that you are good at anything.
8. You shall not laugh at us.
9. You shall not think that anyone cares about you.
10. You shall not think that you can teach us anything.

and don't try to tell me that that recipe for mediocrity and conformity is not strongly adhered to in Scandinavia.

The rules only apply when you comply.You Teuton heads are all great rule followers aren't you?

Du skal ikke tro, du er noget.
Du skal ikke tro, at du er lige så meget som os.
Du skal ikke tro, at du er klogere end os.
Du skal ikke bilde dig ind, at du er bedre end os.
Du skal ikke tro, at du ved mere end os.
Du skal ikke tro, at du er mere end os.
Du skal ikke tro, at du duer til noget.
Du skal ikke le ad os.
Du skal ikke tro, at nogen bryder sig om dig.
Du skal ikke tro, at du kan lære os noget.

Janteloven er skrevet af Aksel Sandemose.

Baa! Baaaaa!!! bleat bleat. Don't mention the war!

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Message 92/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  01:51 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 1005

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Bullying? Come on(actually come off it) I don't see any dogs being set on anyone.

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Message 93/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  02:30 PM     Edit: 29-Jun-04  |  02:32 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


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"One good deal after another" hahahahahahaha, erm

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Message 94/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  03:39 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 1071

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I posted this thread because I wanted to. I wanted to post this thread because I knew it was going to start shit---but the reason why I posted it was beause it SHOULDN'T have started shit in the first place.

Those emails clay, like you said in response to those emails were obviously not jokes. You had sent them to me over christmas break in response to the "lauren hill is a slut" thing. You even explained to me why you said those things and tried to justify them because I was insulting someone you holded so dear. I would swear on my life. There's no avoiding that, but that's clearly not the issue.

I wasn't exposing you in any sort----you didn't expose me by posting that shit about my father. I don't plan to remove what I wrote, because I feel no remorse for it. it's not damaging in any way.

But the fact that you had the balls to say what you did in a public forum, no less, completely astounds me. Even after asking you to remove what you said which was the weakest point in my entire life and I shared it with you seeking advice, you responded to take the "insults" that I had called you off of the forum.


Like that was a parallel to my one sensitive spot, the one lowblow that you could have done. Congratulations, you look like the big man now.

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Message 95/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  04:08 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars

* compulsary


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only a few posts, eh !


it's all carved in the archives

do you really think every newb stopping by just rushes to post an already covered topic ?

dancetech has spawn more new musician than any other entity in history, period.

do i believe in internet distribution ?

what a stupid question

of course i do


oh, and fawck cars, fawck them to the power of ninth, fawck them cancer emitting coffins of death, fawck "just in time" distribution, fawck it's culture, it's idolatry and suffering around the globe. fawck it

cities to the people or death

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Message 96/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  05:33 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 6231

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famous quotes..

"if yer into cars" you need love special :P just imagine if, for a second, EVERY HUMAN BEING had conscientious hobbies/pursuits.. no, it's not too late  

"Are you people jealous of BS?" no, no. we are TIRED of BS.

"You know inside it is completely stripped. No luxury. No padding like a big gocart."

too bad it spits out poison. ever try eating a man-go and fucking walking anywhere? or is this just begging for one of those nonsensical 'vegetarian fart' jokes..

but it's neat that you can look "on the bright side," like cerebral contusion=vacation. c-c-cool.

"jante lov" wow! a word for being british (and umm.. staying british..)

"the reason why I posted it was beause it SHOULDN'T have started shit in the first place." refer to pict's rule #.. well, all of them..

"Congratulations, you look like the big man now." wow, BS posts like the french used to play football... (eg. don't come within 5m or i'm on my back rolling around holding my shin whinging for a card)

so to recap,
fawck cars, fawck them to the power of ninth, fawck them cancer emitting coffins of death, fawck "just in time" distribution, fawck it's culture, it's idolatry and suffering around the globe. fawck it

(and their "little dogs" too, as the mexicanos put it.)

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Message 97/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  06:43 PM     Edit: 29-Jun-04  |  06:47 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 1071

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xoxos, you still here?

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Message 98/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  09:23 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 6231

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oh.. me? sure.. i realise that everything "hip and with it" moved on a long time ago, thanx for checking back for me, lil' buddy (...)

"nothing to see here folks, move along.."

re: gung-ho poster attempting to pull feces.. erm i mean faces..

i keep a likkle folder for quotes, here's one of my favourites.
It didn't matter to me that these people were a minority in the thread, it just was unhappy to read and brought home to me each time that the world is still full of dangerous ill-informed right-wing boys who will grow to be potentialy dangerous right-wing men... so i dont care if it was justa a few guys, i dont want to mix with that vibe.

Y'know, it puts people off, it insults people. i dont want that for the site here is all I'm saying.
rotfl every time i read that next to last sentence..

ban us!

..and the nine in my speaker huh

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Message 99/104                 Date: 29-Jun-04  @  10:25 PM   -   RE: if yer into cars


Posts: 102

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where's that page with the forum epithets? The one that labels and describes different ppls position on an online forum... this thread has got to take the cake.

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Message 100/104                 Date: 30-Jun-04  @  12:05 AM     Edit: 30-Jun-04  |  12:05 AM   -   RE: if yer into cars

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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"anger treachery....deceit.... the airing of laundry publically...and embarassment."

Anyone see that celebrity beig-brother with vanessa feltz? Her moment with the scrap of paper, a pen and a loss-of-sanity will go down in my history books for sure.

- Sorry clay, not having a go, your choice of words just sparked up a very British memory.

Nice to see things haven;t changed around here though.

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