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Subject: Ironic

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Apr-03  @  05:43 PM   -   Ironic


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Message 91/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  06:50 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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no no errata, the wealth of the west is based entirely on the protestant work ethic and superior genes!


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Message 92/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  07:05 PM     Edit: 09-Apr-03  |  07:09 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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what the fuck does it matter if my crotch is a bit smelly? and why do i have to flush 5 gallons of water for a few ml of piss ?

The Unknown Knows

On this train
Will it always rain?
Try to analyze
This led venture
Songless sky, digital bug-eye
Octogonal seems so much clearer
Indiscrete, status incomplete
To provide me with
Something better

Things come and go
This world is droll
All that I know
The Unknown knows

Talk to me you flying shadows
Wandering into the ozone stew
Keep your myths from the embryos
Who would misconstrue
Anything new
An outright official fiasco
Can you shield me
From the drastic truth

Times come and go
How dull the flow
All that I hope
The Unknown knows

Have some sign come to me
That I am in their league
Back down to reality
Look about, response is wanting
Events are carefully on display
Common sense, a gift, is given
But mystic mistakes are never made
Suspecting premature daydreams

I surrender to ritual grey
I come and go
Endless approach
I must be close
The Unknown knows

Why all this commotion now?
I wish I knew the one who knows
Yesterday will come
With tomorrow's sun
And merry-go-round
vStuck on muddy ground
Nineteen yelping fools
Half-wits spouting drool
Half of which have some
The others have none
I knew all along

funny, i didn't remember it like that

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Message 93/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  07:16 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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that's cool...

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Message 94/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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errata - do you really, really, really think that americans become soldiers because they want to? everyone i've seen do it did it because they didn't know what else to do (seems like the best thing to do, same thing.)

and on that last phrase i must ask.. with no intention of harm..

influx.. do *you* know where you're coming from?

i mean.. what do you do with a situation like being born into a corrupt society, when in all likelihood the only survival techniques you know implicate it?

my guess is for the most part there's fuck all you can do (in comparison to what you'd like to see happen) and every day is an internal conflict with no forthcoming solution.

i've got my answer (and i like it) but i'm just posing the question for now.

jey-eff how much do ya think i could git for my voivod e.p. picturedisc?? (you know if you didn't send me stamps you'd never have got shit.. i gotta be poor!)

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Message 95/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  08:02 PM   -   RE: Ironic



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no clue rurik, i've never really considered this. a few bucks for sure. someone on the board said a copy of Outer Limits on vinyl reached 300$, but i have a hardtime believing that.

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Message 96/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: Ironic



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oh, and those of you i promised a copy will get it soon, it's finally been released domestic.

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Message 97/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  09:17 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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I dont know how this got turned around...but my final word is this:

I am not defending america. I am well aware that this place, as all big govt systems get, is out of control, and is founded on "bullying" (oversimplification)

I defend the BASIS...the idealistic foundation...what things were supposed to be, because I truly admire the ideal.

simple as that.

calling me a fascist is ludicrous.

oh..and about inner conflict? HELL YES!

but Ill tell you what:

show me an option. Show me a better way, and Im there. Im already doing my best to live 'right' as I can, but I would be the first to admit that I am a LONG way off from being anywhere near...in tune....not a parasite

and yes, I am sometimes ashamed of this

but the fact remains that 99% of you just sit there and complain, and call yourselves clever for it! If youre so concerned OFFER SOLUTIONS!

and I say Zinn for president. Does THAT validate my fascism?

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Message 98/103                 Date: 09-Apr-03  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: Ironic


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this got turned around right back up at the top there i think. i don't know what zazza's intention was but i thought it looked kinda japanese/chinese myself. what with the roof tiles, and the typeface on "fitness" is kinda like what they use over there. i've certainly no idea about the nationality of fitness centre companies around the globe. to me, it was just funny.

my solution is to laugh more at jokes and not take yourself so seriously.

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Message 99/103                 Date: 10-Apr-03  @  02:00 AM   -   RE: Ironic

Def Z


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Say no more Influx - you're point is clear to me, anyways. Not your fault people aren't understanding where you are coming from. People read what they want to read.

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Message 100/103                 Date: 10-Apr-03  @  07:47 AM     Edit: 10-Apr-03  |  07:55 AM   -   RE: Ironic


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Well, if you want to do something you could start small and close to home join the boycott of Taco Bell:

Some nicely paid jobs in Florida:

The American fast food giant Taco Bell has been buying tomatoes produced by slave and sweatshop labour, according to a group of Florida tomato pickers who held a 10-day hunger strike outside the company's headquarters.
Some of the tomato pickers earn barely one cent - less than a penny - for each pound of tomatoes picked and others have been forced to work under threat of violence in what has been classified as slavery by law enforcement agencies.

"Taco Bell has a policy that it will not buy food from contractors that mistreat animals," said Lucas Benitez, a hunger striker and one of the leaders of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, which is spearheading the campaign. "All we are asking is that they have the same policy for humans."

HERE (taco bell slavery) is a google link.. strangely FOX News hasn't been covering this in any great depth....

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