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Subject: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-04  @  03:25 AM   -   Vote John Motherfucking Kerry

Togo Peffin

Posts: 69

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Here I am, a Brit. A message to all Americans on this site:
Vote Kerry. Bush's time can be ended on Tuesday. You can evict him from the Whitehouse. I hope you're going to vote. Vote. Vote Kerry. Not because he's really great. More because Bush is such a useless shit. For Christ's sake.

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Message 100/107                 Date: 14-Nov-04  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry



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texas needs the other states' taxes and youth to pay for it's wars....otherwise it would've seceded a long time ago.

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Message 101/107                 Date: 15-Nov-04  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


Posts: 6231

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oh clay, you're so cynical! you make life sound perfectly awful! i'll never invite you to my precious fucknig picnic, you might say somethnig true and then my mascara would run.

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Message 102/107                 Date: 15-Nov-04  @  09:13 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


Posts: 118

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This says it all:

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents,
more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and
glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's
desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright

H.L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)

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Message 103/107                 Date: 15-Nov-04  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry



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good ol mencken.

so.......how many children AREN'T in these pictures?


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Message 104/107                 Date: 16-Nov-04  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry



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for and about those of us who voted AGAINST the moron.

yeah...we were really about getting rid of saddam.

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Message 105/107                 Date: 16-Nov-04  @  09:44 AM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


Posts: 7627

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I dunno dude..thats just a bit too much if you ask me. too whiny sorta.

if the rest of the world arent aware that damn near half us hate the current admin as much as we hate venereal warts then they're simply not paying attention, no?

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Message 106/107                 Date: 16-Nov-04  @  06:00 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


Posts: 6231

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if you're just talking about the quote.. ?? rings true with ~ the entire population, no whinyness abut it.. unless, oc, you're still under the misconception that using automobiles and energy-consuming tech is just a natural part of your contemporary life.

imagine, if, like, everywhere you went, you actually had to use your energy to go there. imagine that. freaky huh.

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Message 107/107                 Date: 16-Nov-04  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: Vote John Motherfucking Kerry


Posts: 1345

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maybe people would realise that they don't need to go in the first place, nothing there really.

headless chickens in shiny, powered coffins

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