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Subject: cant wait to see this one

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Mar-04  @  02:28 PM   -   cant wait to see this one



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you'll need broadband for the promo clip

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Message 11/12                 Date: 22-Mar-04  @  02:23 PM   -   RE: cant wait to see this one


Posts: 6231

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guns just don't have the same psychological effect as a whirling arc of death, especially if it's got a nice bright hamon (that wiggly line on the blade)

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Message 12/12                 Date: 25-Mar-04  @  07:55 AM   -   RE: cant wait to see this one



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it's still a toss-up which is scarier, though....a guy with a good sword
or a guy on bad drugs.....
mix the two and you know you're in trouble:

BERLIN - A German man has gone on trial accused of decapitating his mother with a Samurai sword.

Prosecutors say the 22-year-old, identified only as Axel T., beheaded his mother last June after his parents wanted to move him out of the family home in Munich, a court spokesman said on Tuesday.

The man, who has a history of drug problems, ran into the kitchen where his mother was reading a newspaper and cut off her head with the 45-centimeter blade, the spokesman said.

"Then he wanted to kill his father who was in another room."

But the son called the police instead and blamed his father for the crime.

The trial started on Monday.

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