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Subject: Scratching problem

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Original Message 1/14                 Date: 17-Nov-04  @  05:45 AM   -   Scratching problem

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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I've got a pair of technics 1210's and I just got new needles but because my scratch records are a bit old and light they are jumping a lot and almost unuseable, has anyone got any tips to sort this out without me having to get new scratch records?

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Message 2/14                 Date: 17-Nov-04  @  07:04 AM     Edit: 17-Nov-04  |  07:05 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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i only ever scratch with "battlewaxes" that are bascially sample-filled vinyls that are designed for heavy scratch use. Normal records die pretty quick from my experience, and skip easily due to shallow grooves.

Have you messed with the tonearm balance? Some people flip it around for more leverage. I've heard of people tacky-taping pennies to their headcase, too, but too much weight will really torture your wax. For me, learning to control my elbow helped my skipping problems the most. Smoooooth transitions, even when you're moving quickly, are the key

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Message 3/14                 Date: 17-Nov-04  @  08:28 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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yeah, add weight on the tonearm and mess with the anti-skate wheel.

the penny trick will make your needle into a plow, so avoid it if you care about your records.

and also... why dont you get a battle vinyl or two? those are filled with same samples many times over, so if you ruin one groove just move to the next one.

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Message 4/14                 Date: 17-Nov-04  @  09:08 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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does that anti-skate wheel actually do anything? i'd love someone to 'splain the physics of that cheap feelin' thing to me.

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Message 5/14                 Date: 17-Nov-04  @  10:24 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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well i think it limits/aplies the lateral force on the arm, kinda like weight but for sideways motion. and sure it works... can help you wade thru bits of the vinyl where your tonearm would usualy skip. works at least on my tt's.

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Message 6/14                 Date: 18-Nov-04  @  02:52 AM     Edit: 18-Nov-04  |  02:52 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem

Humble Granny

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I have been scratching for about 6 years so it is not my style or anything and the first thing I tried was the penny etc but my record was so light it made it jump even more.

It just seems that every new scratch rec I get is too heavy even on the trusted 1210's and I have fiddled with the tone arm but it is supposed to be set in a certain way according to the manual and does anyone know what those plastic slips you can get to put on the slip-mats are like?

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Message 7/14                 Date: 18-Nov-04  @  04:44 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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I just use a waxy plastic record sleeve cut to the right size, and place it under my slipmat. Makes for a nice slippery surface. wax paper works in a jiffy, too. But you will likely need to reinforce the hole with tape if you want it to last more than a few spins.

And it's true, some records just feel better on the platter... i have some heavy ones that just seem to slip and slide real easy, and others that seem to almost get bogged down by their grooves and static electricity (?).... vinyl's weird.

wrong forum, btw

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Message 8/14                 Date: 18-Nov-04  @  09:13 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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i've seen people use some kinda styrofoam mats, painted over... incredibly easy to scratch with and do backspins that go on forever, yet grip immediately when you let go. no idea if thats self-made or what tho...

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Message 9/14                 Date: 18-Nov-04  @  12:43 PM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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Record scratchin' is for toss pots. Concentrate on the flow of the DJ set rather then subjecting us to "audio wanking".

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Message 10/14                 Date: 18-Nov-04  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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The door's right this way, Dom....

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Message 11/14                 Date: 18-Nov-04  @  07:12 PM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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lol @ dom


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 12/14                 Date: 19-Nov-04  @  02:07 AM     Edit: 19-Nov-04  |  02:35 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem

Humble Granny

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Dom, how wrong could you be. Your comments suggest the only thing you could scratch is you arse, there is so much more you can do with a pair of decks then just mixing 2 records together, people like you give a bad name to DJ's by not trying new things

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Message 13/14                 Date: 19-Nov-04  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: Scratching problem


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NO, you don't know what you're talking about matey

I own mix albums by DJ plus one, mix master mike, the whole scratch perverts crew and what they do well is build sets and "cut" records. Infact, on the Annie Mac show on Radio One last week, the scratch perverts put together that weeks 5 minute master mix. It was amazing, they played through about 30 records ranging from reggae right through to liquid drum & bass and tony vegas cut in 50 different film samples. It was just brilliantly put together. But there was no scratching in it whatsoever becasue scratching is just passe'.

So Humble please don't tell me I don't know shit because I do have an open mind but scratching records doesn't serve any purpose other than for the DJ to show off. Scratching is pointless - it doesn't add groove or soul - its just pointless noise. OK, I might let you get away with one vocal scratch on the word, f-f-f-fresh but thats it mate.

Only my opinion though.

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Message 14/14                 Date: 19-Nov-04  @  04:57 PM   -   RE: Scratching problem

Humble Granny

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I understand what your talking about but for me scratching is part of the whole package, I also think its very dull just to put on a record and scratch over it but when you put it together with cutting, beat mixing etc then it fits nicely.

The good thing is that DJ's like M M Mike are trying different things because the scene as a whole has to keep fresh or risk dying on its arse.

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