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Subject: sterilisation Eugenics

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Original Message                 Date: 02-Sep-03  @  04:36 PM   -   sterilisation Eugenics


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"To its critics, Project Prevention or Crack - an American organisation which pays drug addicts and alcoholics to be sterilised - is a terrifying throwback to the neutering of "defectives" during the 20th Century."


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Message 131/166                 Date: 07-Sep-03  @  11:52 PM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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ok dude, yer on! influx, kill yourself and we'll be right along in a jiffy. no, really.

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Message 132/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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heh. followers

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Message 133/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  03:15 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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beds, I'll bet you don't even know what I'm talking about, and definately not what you're talkin about, so why open you're fuckin mouth towards me? Don't even try to hand me some sort of "We did it to ourselves by not having socialized health, voting in X, etc." Fuck you.

The issue is not how we got here, cuz we're here now. The issue is how to fix it. You can't just cook up and shit out more resources, so you have to work at it from the other end. That means less folks consuming resources. What do you propose? Handing out condoms in school? The pill? Something longer term? Sorry, dude, it is the very deepest part of our lizard brains, deeper than any other emotion to make more humans. You can't just shut it off. IF you've got a better solution, I'd LOVE to hear it. If you don't THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

I don't care if you think I'm an asshole or a prick or whatever. I'm right and you know it, so get over it. I did.


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Message 134/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  03:38 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

please dont yell at me (cringing)


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But the point is, who decides, PONGOID?


your point? no one has babies? only those "worthy?

whats worthy? why should you or I be alive and or have kids, while others arent/dont?

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Message 135/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  04:15 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics

one more baby


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ooops...too late...waaaa....dad can i use the car?....i'm gonna need gas too. oh...and lida's pregnant.

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Message 136/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  04:24 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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Another thing worth considering is how do you tell your children that they can't have children, because generations before them have fucked up and wasted resources. Yeah, let me know how that goes...

And Pongoid, anyone that proclaims their opinion in matters like these as "the solution" gets a big ol' raised eyebrow and an audible "pfffft" from me.

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Message 137/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  04:32 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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there is no decision to be made. A virus reduces females' menstrual cycles to once every five years. You miss the boat? Too fuckin bad. Nobody is immune, that's just the way the cards are dealt. No fighting, no operations, no need for abortions, no nothing, just less births, and that goes for EVERYONE. Simple.


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Message 138/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  04:35 AM     Edit: 08-Sep-03  |  04:36 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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so the problem with humans is that they just ovulate too much? Interesting... who fucked that one up? We should prolly fix it, innit.

Your idea sounds like just another overly complicated bandaid to me, ape...

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Message 139/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  04:36 AM     Edit: 08-Sep-03  |  04:37 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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See, it doesn't mean that nobody can have kids, just that the likelihood drops considerably for everyone. Folks can go on fucking all they like, whoever, however, whenever...not my business. Imagine if it's that rare to get pregnant, how much more important life in general is going to be? Maybe folks won't be so fast to throw it away. Pregnant women will get bettter treatment than they do now, and deabeat dads will have it so bad that folks will HAVE to be better to each other. Kids will be too precious to just piss away. It's a thought anyhow.


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Message 140/166                 Date: 08-Sep-03  @  04:38 AM   -   RE: sterilisation Eugenics


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Band-aid? No. It's a viable solution that takes our increased longevity and unnatural healing abilities into account.

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