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Subject: Mr. Six

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Original Message                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  03:32 AM     Edit: 19-Jul-04  |  03:33 AM   -   Mr. Six


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ok this is probably just a U.S. thing. Mr. Six is the 70+ year old guy in the SIx Flags commercial that comes out of retro bus and does an awesome dance number to get hardworking people to leave what they're doing and go to Six Flags amusement park. It's really a young person made to look like an old person. In the few months this ad has been out he's become the 2nd most recognizable ad icon in the U.S. Some people have to leave the room when the commercial comes on because it disturbs them so much. I actually like the stupid thing and the clip from the song "We like to party" by the Venga Boys hasn't left my head since I've seen it. Welcome to my world

for a pic:


Anyone have anything to say about this?

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Message 11/16                 Date: 20-Jul-04  @  11:55 AM   -   RE: Mr. Six


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Surely you mean JesusŪ

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Message 12/16                 Date: 20-Jul-04  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: Mr. Six


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artificial face? is that like when you throw cold water on a dog when it's fucking and it's penis is stuck engorged? statement about public entertainment in there somewhere..

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Message 13/16                 Date: 20-Jul-04  @  09:18 PM   -   RE: Mr. Six


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"is that like when you throw cold water on a dog when it's fucking and it's penis is stuck engorged?"


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Message 14/16                 Date: 21-Jul-04  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: Mr. Six



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oh c'mon psy...
that ain't no weirder than your baby jesus butt-plug was it?
of course, then again...it ain't weird if it's on-topic>

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Message 15/16                 Date: 21-Jul-04  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: Mr. Six


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Mine was a top-rank google return.

His was... the voice of experience? Just curious really...

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Message 16/16                 Date: 21-Jul-04  @  04:55 PM   -   RE: Mr. Six


Posts: 6231

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hearsay.. various stories of dogs being stuck together with the slightest of interruptions.

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