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Subject: I'm Jonesin'...

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Original Message 1/17                 Date: 14-Dec-04  @  07:11 PM     Edit: 14-Dec-04  |  07:17 PM   -   I'm Jonesin'...

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

Posts: 1444

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All my studio gear is still in storage and my lappy's ability to run apps is still hobbled. Been this way ever since I landed in SoCal (a short walk from Doheny Beach to be exact). I'm Jonesin'.

I don't know how some people can ever give it up completely, breaks from time to time are necessary (there is such a thing as a whole life ya know) but surely once one starts making music there is no going back. I guess maybe its different for some folks, having been involved in music one way or the other since beginning grade school I've never known a life without it. Perhaps if music is something taken up in adolescence its not as integral so its easier to walk away from but it would seem to me that once a person has written their first real piece of music everything changes, especially if its the first time they've experienced the creative process. I read threads here and elsewhere about people selling all their gear, "packing it in for good", but am amazed at how they can live without it - how they can spend the rest of their life as if they never experienced the rush, the intensity, the base emotional experience of hearing something they've created, literally from thin air, that they are satisfied with and overjoyed by.

The first pensive motivic attempt at putting together a complete phrase, trying to breath life from nothingness into being is as transcendent as all the cliché's elude to. The initial turn of a knob to find that elusive frequency that you feel is resonating within, at that very moment, is an anathema - overtones from epochal creation. Another twist of the dial and first, secondary and tertiary harmonics interact at just the right place, aural alchemy - you're using real magic, convinced that this is a sound completely different than anything that's come before, a sound that spurns you on (the ego has its uses) until you finally feel that warm fuzzy satisfaction, "That space cadet glow", coming from the knowledge that you are really on to something. You must continue. It begins to take on a life of it's own and now all you can do is listen trying to discern where it wants to go - it really seems alive in some way, no longer yours, it has a will of its own and because you were its genesis you feel a responsibility to shepherd it through its maturation, its completion, its death. Letting go, time to move on, to yet again create - to create wave upon wave out of and moving though the thin air that surrounds. This is the stuff of life worth living.

Then, on the other hand, there's trance...

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Message 2/17                 Date: 14-Dec-04  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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yup - i plan to die of old age onstage, live!  


"In other countries, art and literature are left to a lot of shabby bums living in attics and feeding on booze and spaghetti, but in America the successful writer or picture-painter is indistinguishable from any other decent business man!" - Babbit

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Message 3/17                 Date: 15-Dec-04  @  01:32 AM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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make sure you got clean skids on when you go

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Message 4/17                 Date: 15-Dec-04  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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nice one Rhyze

we should put this in the "what making music should be about 101" for newbies

and CONGRATS for the most inspired post of the year, if i'm not mistaken!

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Message 5/17                 Date: 15-Dec-04  @  11:24 AM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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should it be moved to the main music forum?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 6/17                 Date: 15-Dec-04  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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eventually the impermanence/permanence of all things sinks in and it is perceived that all motive for making a recording is transient.

when music moves in me, i sing or whistle. imo taking the time to transcribe it into a recording usually maims it and isn't worth the bother, beyod any transient demonstration that it's not worth the bother

then again, you've heard my music ;)

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Message 7/17                 Date: 15-Dec-04  @  02:15 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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" that warm fuzzy satisfaction, "That space cadet glow "

he, that's totally it

altho' it's sometimes painful. when out of the chaos, a little cosmos emerges, it makes a compact ball around the sternum which seems to draw a lot of blood cause it can make me dizzy and see little dots of lights.

nice post indeed.

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Message 8/17                 Date: 15-Dec-04  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

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K, you know better, that would be the wrong forum. Besides, we don't want to invite the wrath of (insert whisper with hand concealing lips) you know who (end whisper) now do we.

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Message 9/17                 Date: 15-Dec-04  @  11:43 PM     Edit: 16-Dec-04  |  12:10 AM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

Posts: 1444

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Oh by the way, Xoxos, piss off you self-depricating whiner, "everyone should receive an instrument" is inspired.

Fecking brilliant. Now go away you silly over the other side of the ocean gnome loving kinigget or I shall backhandedly compliment you again. Nuu!

Did I mention qSong 22??? To think that Clay thought I was playing in some strange sandboxes. I actually like the transition into more "traditional" tonality believe it or not.

abu salika. Why randomize indeed.

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Message 10/17                 Date: 16-Dec-04  @  04:51 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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well now you've wound me up, haven't you?

"inspired?" i didn't write it. perhaps some future age writer will find these notes.

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Message 11/17                 Date: 16-Dec-04  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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"when music moves in me, i sing or whistle. imo taking the time to transcribe it into a recording usually maims it and isn't worth the bother, beyod any transient demonstration that it's not worth the bother "

well in that respect, then, do you consider music to be an internal language, x? Because I view it as a level playing field for communication between all creatures. To keep it to yourself then would be a violation of the purpose of music. It's selfish, like many of your views towards society, imo.

Sure you can record something to show off, but the act of recording something does not inherently indicate greed. It's all in your intention.

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Message 12/17                 Date: 17-Dec-04  @  03:34 AM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

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Looks like someone is wound up.

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Message 13/17                 Date: 18-Dec-04  @  05:44 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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i'd like to say you amaze me at your ability to transform for self-serving devices, but.. you don't ;)

a "violation of the purpose of music?" do i get a card with that?


i like this 'communication between all creatures'/'internal' juxtaposition tho :p

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Message 14/17                 Date: 19-Dec-04  @  03:28 AM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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again, what you call self-serving, i call "sharing". Really, what's the point otherwise.

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Message 15/17                 Date: 19-Dec-04  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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to quote lao-tzu via pHz, "music in the soul can be heard by the universe"

you like him, don't you.

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Message 16/17                 Date: 19-Dec-04  @  10:58 PM     Edit: 19-Dec-04  |  10:59 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...


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it's a lovely idea, of course... but even an idealist like myself can recognize the need for baby steps. I think recording is a nice stepping stone to direct intersoul communication. I don't think the VST spec even supports that...they can't even get a sidechain goin.

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Message 17/17                 Date: 24-Dec-04  @  07:16 PM   -   RE: I'm Jonesin'...

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

Posts: 1444

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"The highest virtue is not virtuous; therefore it truly has virtue.
The lowest virtue never loses sight of it's virtue; therefore it has no virtue."

"To understand others is to be knowledgeable
To understand yourself is to be wise
To conquer others is to have strength
To conquer yourself is to be strong..."

These words and those that come before & after (depending on what translation you have), if known well by the heart, are evidence that there is little else one needs to "know". Ultimately, one need "know" nothing at all.

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