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Subject: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...

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Original Message 1/19                 Date: 19-Feb-04  @  08:28 AM     Edit: 19-Feb-04  |  08:30 AM   -   Fecking 3am & can't sleep...

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Feck all!

I've been suffering from insomnia for the past two weeks, almost three, and Its finally starting to get to me. I've had bouts before but nothing this long. At first I fought it - laying in bed for hours, my eyes closed hoping for the best. Then I acquiesced - no fighting it so I'll ride it out reading or writing through the night till daybreak. It wasn't so bad at first, "soul's midnight" becoming something I look forward to, the world outside growing deathly quiet, the silence broken only rarely by a train passing in the distance or a car on the road down the street - 3am and so many passing on in so many places it begins to feel like you can sense their departing. The dead of night everything seems in stasis as if to allow one last parting moment to be taken in - taking time so that it can make its presence felt more acutly than in the grey morning or the light of day. How can one not "die peacfully in his sleep" at such a time as this.

Right now, I would settle for sleep alone.

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Message 2/19                 Date: 19-Feb-04  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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I feel for you... I from time to time suffer insomnia. For me the best way out is to change my routines. .


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Message 3/19                 Date: 19-Feb-04  @  04:20 PM     Edit: 19-Feb-04  |  04:26 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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try some of my Love Themes.

or if that fails, just put this on repeat...

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Message 4/19                 Date: 19-Feb-04  @  04:20 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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3am eternal dude :p

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Message 5/19                 Date: 19-Feb-04  @  04:32 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...



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I severely suffered from insomnia. A combination of meditation and vast amounts of alcohol sorted the problem.

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Message 6/19                 Date: 19-Feb-04  @  04:58 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...

Steve Roughley

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Yeah. I swear by alcohol for insomnia! If you can't fall asleep. Knock yourself out.

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Message 7/19                 Date: 20-Feb-04  @  04:36 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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Pot used to work for me. Funny I haven't had much trouble with insomnia since I quit smoking pot...

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Message 8/19                 Date: 20-Feb-04  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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yeah Optofonik, I had trouble sleeping last nite too. Now I'm dragging thru work
,totally wrecked. I used to get insomnia ALL the time and it was the WORST.

I started getting treatment from a homeopath who after a long, involved diagnosis
gave me a tincture of ??? Whatever it was is soon worked and I was able to fall
asleep w/in 5 minutes of lying down! It was...so nice.

According to my homeopath, the reason for my recent bouts of insomnia is b/c my
remedy needs changing. It's been about 3-4 months since I first started the
treatment and that's supposed to normal.

I'd say go see a homeopath!

If you can't/won't/whatever, you can do the sleeping pills like I used to but in the
end it's really only a short term solution like alcohol or weed. Sounds like you'd
benefit from ANY kind of relief at this point so go get some Nytol man!!!

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Message 9/19                 Date: 21-Feb-04  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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can't you guys find a lifestyle that allows your mind some peace? you know that ain't right.

yeah, me either :p

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Message 10/19                 Date: 22-Feb-04  @  05:57 AM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Actually Xoxos, I'm working on a bit of a lifestyle change for that very reason. The Deep South is going to be deep sixed here for me soon. "Biological changes over time"??? Actually needing to question the propriety of having a rebel flag representing your state??? The mayor of Rome, GA saying only a few weeks ago on Nightline, with pride and no sense of irony, "Its been ten years since the KKK marched here."

The fact that I live in a state were all this goes on keeps me up at night.

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Message 11/19                 Date: 22-Feb-04  @  10:53 AM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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have you slept yet?

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Message 12/19                 Date: 22-Feb-04  @  02:06 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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Go fer a run!

or destroy yerself on rowing machine 3 or 4 times a week

Worked for me.

Do you smoke? I never slept properly when I smoked.

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Message 13/19                 Date: 22-Feb-04  @  03:30 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...



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2 rooms available in large generally-quiet house in chula vista, ca.
progressive artist-types tolerated.

there is a quiet old dick 3 houses-down-and-across-the-street who flies his texas flag just below old-glory....ah...but you never see him.
i think he's on his ham-radio all day.
but most everyone 'round here flies a red-white-and-green flag with an eagle
eating a rattlesnake on a cactus. so yeah...no kkk marches lately.

: )

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Message 14/19                 Date: 22-Feb-04  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...



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vodka and night nurse is another good way to fall asleep, especially if you have a couple of pints of the stuff.

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Message 15/19                 Date: 23-Feb-04  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Tonights the night, I can feel it...

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Message 16/19                 Date: 24-Feb-04  @  11:45 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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... and so it was.

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Message 17/19                 Date: 25-Feb-04  @  10:27 AM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...



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congratulations !

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Message 18/19                 Date: 26-Feb-04  @  06:32 PM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...



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It was w.ank that did it?!!!

Was it?!!

Find an image and off you go... Sleep shall beckon...

then in your all of your morning glory you can go again...

Just be sure not to p.iss youself!

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Message 19/19                 Date: 27-Feb-04  @  04:22 AM   -   RE: Fecking 3am & can't sleep...


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"..... I can't get no sleep......" dede dedu dedededu du du du dede dedu dedededu du du du ....."

Faithless.... classic

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