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Subject: new band members

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Original Message                 Date: 12-Feb-04  @  11:50 PM   -   new band members


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I got two new band members. Pretty cool huh.

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Message 11/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: new band members


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and in a couple of years you'll have enough cans to build an extention on your house.

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Message 12/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  03:14 PM     Edit: 13-Feb-04  |  03:16 PM   -   RE: new band members


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ya influx, the dad is 'chayo blue thunder' - hes a beaut, dont own him tho, but i have one of his kids  

they look the business to the bad guys if ya leaving studio/house unoccupied for a time, kody sleeps/lives under the keyboards and can make the floor boards shake when she growls in her sleep for sure, but actually worlds worst guard dogs malamutes are- big fuckin suckers for a cuddle from *anyone*

you know them influx? I ask cos normally folk mistake em for huskies


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Message 13/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  04:12 PM   -   RE: new band members



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craig....why is it so-often that dogs resemble their owners?

or is it the other way 'round?

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Message 14/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  04:59 PM     Edit: 13-Feb-04  |  05:26 PM   -   RE: new band members


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Yeah, he and I do resemble each other, don't we  

Acually I think Golden Retrievers are the worlds worst guard dogs. I think Mika might actually show the bad guys where the cool stuff is

Here's a new picture of the weapon of mass destruction  

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Message 15/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  05:28 PM   -   RE: new band members


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my dog gets chased by cows now that thay've wised up to her.

now if that's not gangsta, I don't know what is.

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Message 16/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  07:25 PM   -   RE: new band members



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awww, fluffy animals on gear, erm music gear that is. I'd love a dog... if I had enough to drink... ahem.

K, you are sooo right, cats home in on those solo buttons. Thankfully my desk has lights inbuilt on all the solo buttons, so its reasonbly quick to suss out why their aint any sound coming out without running down to richer sounds to buy some more monitors.

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Message 17/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: new band members


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the worst trick mine does is climbing up the inside of the 8ft tall rack - grrrr!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 18/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  09:29 PM     Edit: 13-Feb-04  |  09:33 PM   -   RE: new band members

Steve Roughley

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Yeah, Cats love mixing consoles. They also love PC keyboards and just about anything in the studio that attracts your attention away from themselves. Thankfully, I just got my Mic and stand, which came in a big long box, so my little pests are too busy fighting over who gets to hide in the packaging (they seem to think that I don't know they are there and attack me whenever I walk past) to worry about my desk while I get the Mic placed in my setup.

Blu, aren't Malamutes a kind of Husky? Or am I just confirming your point. I'm sure that when I went dog-sledding we had some Malamutes.


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Message 19/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: new band members


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yeah you would have had malamutes beside huskies if you used to do sledding steve, both nordic breed, but different dogs- heres a quick paragraph~

The Alaskan Malamute and the Siberian Husky differ in physical characteristics as well as purpose. Each breed has specific differences found in characteristics such as ear set, coat length and tail set. The Malamute is a larger, heavy-boned dog bred for freighting and hauling heavy weights over long distances. The Siberian Husky is a smaller dog bred for speed and agility. The Malamute is generally less hyper than a Husky and a more devoted campanion.


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Message 20/25                 Date: 13-Feb-04  @  11:50 PM   -   RE: new band members

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Aha! I get it now. Cheers Blu.


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