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Subject: this is how we do it

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Jul-04  @  03:07 PM   -   this is how we do it



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A Republican strategy - to cast votes in the dark of the night while newspapermen are home sleeping (we're talking 3 in the morning).

"At 2:54 a.m. on a Friday in March," he begins, "the House cut veterans' benefits by three votes. At 2:39 a.m. on a Friday in April, the House slashed education and health care by five votes. At 1:56 a.m. on a Friday in May, the House passed the tax-cut bill, weighted especially towards millionaires, by a handful of votes."

"At 2:33 a.m. on a Friday in June, the House passed the Medicare privatization bill by one vote. At 12:57 a.m. on a Friday in June, the House eviscerated Head Start by one vote. And then, after returning from summer recess, at 12:12 a.m. on a Friday . . . the House voted $87 billion for Iraq," he continues.

"Always in the middle of the night, always after the press had passed their deadlines, always after the American people had turned off the news and gone to bed."

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Message 11/32                 Date: 18-Jul-04  @  04:30 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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a 20-odd year old woman should be capable of separating ideology from a shirt, and a 50 year old man should be mature enough to allow someone to point a finger without feeling the urge to grab it.

a five year old should realise that gasoline is not a necessary ingredient for food. i don't see where the incomprehensible phraseology is in that, but if you wish to continue to generalise in regards to my behaviour to conveniently view me as you wish to to please your own sensibilities, it doesn't matter to me.

btw i have new music up. if you like, you can give me recommendations on how i should finish and market it.

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Message 12/32                 Date: 18-Jul-04  @  05:01 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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x... you're one of my very fave personalities here and you know that.

i simply would like to know your encounters are less fraught with
conflict and that perhaps you might score some occasional small joyous victories in your quest to enlighten those of us who really do need a good wake-up-slap occasionally...if not all day long.

i picked 15 years since without much information i figured 15 to be in between 10 and 20 and i was guessing she wasn't 7.
unfortunately 20 makes her closer to being shiva and you dropping your drawers and enlightening her to your powers would've probably been absolutely required
for her to understand a damned thing about what you were saying.
i'm guessing she liked you and your father would have no part of that.
anyway...so it is with beasts and little princesses.
you should've given her your number and invited her to debate you this even further when she was finished with daddy.
nevertheless i commend the 2 of them for at least having gone seen the movie together.

i look forward to hearing your new stuff....as always.

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Message 13/32                 Date: 18-Jul-04  @  05:34 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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i actually had an interesting encounter myself last week at a taco-shop where i was quietly eating my lunch...facing the entire venue (quite large and clean by most taco-shop standards...this was a to-do conservative neighborhood after all).

anyway....across from me sits this rather swaggering, loud, stocky, baseball-hatted...tiny blue-mirrored sunglassed...obviously conservative macho
40-somethingish...i'll just call him baseball dad.
he sits facing me and answers his cell-phone and it seems someone (nephew son friend?) is asking him to go see faranheit 9/11 upon which he LOUDLY goes on
with his rant about moore being a slob and unamerican and i'll never go see that guy's trash....he hates america!!!! on and on> "everything that comes out of his fat mouth is trash....i've been studying him and he's worthless" etc....basically looking at me and me trying to ignore him...which was a task i failed miserably at...and
so i decide to reciprocate him with acknowledgment that
half of his performance IS directed towards me as much as it is to the person on the other end of the phone....thusly i return eye contact and sadly shake my head.
anyway, their conversation ends and he finishes his meal...and rather hastily gets up to go.
as he comes nearer to me to empty his trash i say to him
(not loud or aggressive)...

you know...you really should go see that movie.

he says: i'll never go see that piece of trash ever.

i say (not to waste any time)>
well...from what i can see it looks like you've been sitting there for 3 1/2 years watching 24/7 the most highly televised manipulation ever known to man so as to rob you your hard-earned taxpayer money so we can go bomb and attack a nation who has never attacked us.... and yet you can't give a guy 2 hours of your time to hear something different than what your tv is feeding you.

at this point his basic impulse was to reach into my booth and start pummeling me....which i could easily sense was the case.
he knew i knew this was an easy scenario to follow through with and yet i didn't move.
for me to get up would've suggested a definite desire to go there....which was not my intention.
he also knew by my remaining seated and looking at him directly as i spoke without yelling....i was basically inviting him to show me what he was made of intellectually.

to my surprise....he gave me a good solid look-over and decided he had nothing to say and u-turned and went out the far door.

i won't say i won that one
but i will say this loud man was not used to having someone clearly state in one good long sentence everything he needed to hear to his face by an absolute stranger.
mr. macho wasn't very loud after that.

that did kind of make my day to be reminded what mental midgets we're actually dealing with here in general.
what is nevertheless disconcerting is the fact that it is these exact sorts which remain at the helm of steering us towards ongoing disaster....given that opportunity.

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Message 14/32                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  03:32 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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"this loud man was not used to having someone clearly state in one good long sentence everything he needed to hear to his face by an absolute stranger."

touche. what to say.. "this loud man" is the u.s. telling people off isn't profitable and as we know, "truth is out of style."

he has practiced turning his back on you his entire life.

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Message 15/32                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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maybe maybe maybe he'll go home and think about it

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Message 16/32                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it

cydonia cell


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More like he'll go home and think "Some loony almost attacked my little girl" (20 or not, she's HIS little girl... that's a parent thing)....

funny thing about people (not us but those "other people" that we most assuredly aren't cause we see what they do not so don't call me them!!!!!!) they don't respond so well to your way of thinking when you're all in their face big guy pointing fingers and waging ego... instead the APPEAR to get along with you just long enough to get AWAY from you... then they go to the local Taco Bell to eat SHIT and talk about what a bunch of crazy people are in the world... and, hmmm... maybe people like GW are right,,, maybe we do need protection, and a more adversarial mindset... maybe this whole liberal/humanist way of seeing things will just get us in trouble...


you can't wake too many people up with a brick to the head... but, while it takes longer and might be a little less entertaining, gently shaking them and whispering in their ear will start the stirring...


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Message 17/32                 Date: 19-Jul-04  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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I was talking about clay's encounter, not xoxos.

for some reason I thought the girl was a "little" girl...

at 20 youd think she'd be open to alternate viewpoints 

so xoxos thought the movie was a flop then?

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Message 18/32                 Date: 20-Jul-04  @  03:21 AM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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x...this is how you do THis>

you gently dangle your finger before the girl's lips as she's about to utter some nonsense.....then start softly singing *starry-night.

she'll be like.....

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Message 19/32                 Date: 20-Jul-04  @  05:49 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it


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e - well, that's the whole point of looking in your eyes.

you'd have to be fucked up to not pick up on if someone wants to kill you atp.. but i was never a threat to them, more someone they could get the upper hand on with 'civic roles,' eg. man and daughter complaining vociferously vs. single guy.. who you gonna side on..

after all, it was them what gone started the whole thing in the first place. they wanted to lay down their nazi manure in the theatre (i guess i must have said something dangerous, like "gee, why don't you people accept responsibility?") and then when i countered, it's time to spray the ink cloud.

i really don't get why you guys try and constantly talk me into writing people love letters they ain't gonna read. you want to depict me as smashing people's heads in with bricks.. shows how much you respect my sense of discretion really.

why don't you go lie down until it's all over, eh, cos i don't want to dirty up you pretty self with the work that needs doing.

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Message 20/32                 Date: 20-Jul-04  @  11:55 PM   -   RE: this is how we do it



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x quote:
i really don't get why you guys try and constantly talk me into writing people love letters they ain't gonna read.

*well.....that's why you must read it TO them!
they're so used to flat-out hostility since it's their game....
it's a wonder what a well-thrown curve-ball can do.
i know i try to make it sound easy but believe me, i know...it ain't easy.

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