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Subject: PCH roadtrip musings

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Dec-04  @  12:25 AM     Edit: 16-Dec-04  |  02:19 AM   -   PCH roadtrip musings

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

Posts: 1444

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I've been enjoying my new home by motorcycle camping around Southern California. Riding from the Coachella Valley to the San Joaquin Mountains through Idyllwild, The San Bernardino Mountains, San Gabriel Mountains, and the Southern Sierras through Kernville to the Mojave has been a joy. I'll tell you about those trips another time perhaps because the coast is becoming my favorite (growing up in Florida, there's a surprise). I've ridden the PCH from San Diego to Ventura so far and its quite different from what I imagined in some ways. The southern coast has more cliffs than I thought, one right here at the very end of the Dana Point Harbor just to the northeast of where the sun sets is fabulous because I don't have to ride two hundred miles north to experience it whenever I feel the need. However, a trip north is already in the planning stages. Yipeeee! Then there is the weather which actually does exist here although its more in the form of fog than real precipitation. When I say fog, however, I mean the real deal not some patch of mist you run into while driving through a hollow on a county road or see off to the side obscuring a small herd of cattle as you drive by the family ranch. I mean all encompassing, lifestyle effecting, fog. Foghorn fog.

It rolls in off the Pacific at dusk, a tidal wave of mist slowly making its way to the shore, transforming the smaller, quainter, beach towns into moody and mysterious seaside villages from the pages of some brooding novel about small haunting hamlets on the Scottish moors. An amazing thing to watch, this ephemeral almost sinister looking form growing off the shore. An evolving gray line miles in the distance weds the frigid Pacific of late autumn and the ardent coming of the night's moon and stars. It begins as a thin line then larger and larger it grows, looming, until all around you is finally obscured: ocean, moon, and star lay on the other side of a gray damp quilt of swirling mist. A few blocks inland, less immediate but no less dramatic and almost imperceptibly at first, a few wisps wend their way between buildings and hover above in the premature darkness till, suddenly, spilling from the rooftops onto the streets its upon you and the town is engulfed.

Up and down the coast move vague shapes, surfers making their way up the cliffs from a shadowed Pacific Ocean, still wetsuited, boards at their sides, they head toward the dimmed lights of obscured parking lots and the veiled shoulder of the PCH filled and lined with SUVs, pickups, and minivans, many of them beaters that seem likely to fall apart at the turn of a key - the southern coast is as democratic or as exclusionary as one chooses to see it from Point Loma to Malibu. For those out and about on the streets of town, the holidays being especially busy, damp and chill encourage the location of someplace warm and inviting so the small taverns, pizza joints, taco shops, and cafes fill up with locals and tourists. A mile farther inland on the freeway, the visibility reduces to yards turning taillights in front and headlights behind into a phantasmagoria. Small, ghostly, red and white points of lights fade into and return from the mist rather than maintaining a steady warning of what may lie in wait ahead or be stealing up from behind the inattentive traveler.

The boat is as cozy and inviting to me upon my return as the cafe in Ocean Beach. I'll have another cup of tea, check my e-mail for the day, shower, sit down with a glass of wine and watch a movie. I really do miss my laptop's unhobbled ability as a composing and recording tool and can't think of a better place and time right now, on this sailboat after a great ride, to be able to compose and record but its not to be and its almost ten by the time the movie is over. I retire to the aft cabin v-berth and read until I fall asleep with a book on my chest and the lantern still on. Its been a good day in SoCal and despite the weather it was a good ride. Every ride is a good ride here and with a little luck and skill I'll be riding till my beard is as gray as dusk on the California coast and finally betrays the miles beneath my wheels. With a little luck I'll be riding till the fog rolls in and rolls out no more.

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Message 11/37                 Date: 18-Dec-04  @  05:38 AM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings

Optofonik (AKA_Mick_Rhyze_etc.)

Posts: 1444

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Uh... anyone else been on any cool road trips??? Hey, Craig, take it on a trip, tell us all about it and show 'em all. Um, otherwise they may kinda have a point, dude. If you wind up near Dana Point, CA call me and I'll join you for a few miles. I'm not sure my little Ninja will keep up but...

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Message 12/37                 Date: 20-Dec-04  @  09:52 PM     Edit: 20-Dec-04  |  09:56 PM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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It's not that I don't want to drive the car on a road trip, I do. I think you Europeans don't quite understand the physical size of the USA. A trip from Buffalo, NY to Dana Point, California is 2612.5 miles EACH WAY, according to Yahoo maps. It'd take me four days driving 10 hours per day to get there. If I spent three days in California, and put on another 200-300 miles driving around while I was out there you're talking a 5500 mile round trip easily, and you'd need at least ten days to do it, probably more like two weeks. And if you're going to go that far, you should probably make a few choice stops, like Las Vegas, maybe St. Louis.. Or go Northward through Detroit and/or Chicago. You could easily make a three or four week trip out of a cross country drive, and I think it'd be exhausting if you didn't do it that way. Not to mention it'd be cheaper to fly...

I've got plans in the works for some shorter trips this year. I want to go back to New Orleans - Buffalo to New Orleans is about a 2,000 mile round trip - that'd be about the limit I think. Washington DC is on my schedule this year and I'm sure I'll take it on my yearly trip to New York. I also want to get up to Montreal for the Grand Prix. I also took it to Toronto twice and Cleveland once last summer, so it goes on trips.

I love driving my Boxster. I love it so much I want to make sure it doesn't blow up after a few years. I want to be able to enjoy it as much when I'm 50 as I do when I'm 30.

Mick, that Ninja 250 is another of the bikes I'm looking at. Cheap and easy to learn on, from what I hear.


PS - Not the biggest 911 fan either  

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Message 13/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  06:12 AM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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"2612.5 miles EACH WAY, according to Yahoo maps. It'd take me four days driving 10 hours per day to get there."

According to my math, you're kind of a pussy for a Porshe driver. Aren't those things known for their accelerators?

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Message 14/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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So what Craig, I got my car new on the Tuesday and by Thursday we were driving across Europe, about the same distance, took 3 days, always driving. It was good, it was something. I hear you about time and choice stops but really I am saying that the car (who's function is to go somewhere) should not be blamed for you not wanting to do it. THe agument that you dont wnat to waste the car is just lame (like the painter and decorator going super fast to finish before he runs out of paint). Forget it - it will be stolen, trashed or sold before some thousansds miles means anything to the running gear.

So what the excuse now?

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Message 15/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  10:21 AM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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yeah really craig... you're a wuss!

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Message 16/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  02:40 PM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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Look, man, when it's your dime and your Porsche, then you can talk shit. I drove my Acuras all over the place, and logged well over a hundred thirty thousand miles in six years with those cars. This is different. This is a toy, and no I don't want it to wear out. When it needs an engine rebuild I'll be happy to send you the $16,000 bill. Not to mention it doesn't make sense to spend four straight days in the car to hang out in Cali for 2-3 days and spend four more straight days driving back. I'd rather take a plane. It took a long time to be able to afford a car like that and I'm in no huge hurry to run it into the ground.


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Message 17/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  05:57 PM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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From: psylichon
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Date: 21-dec-04 - 06:12 am
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"2612.5 miles EACH WAY, according to Yahoo maps. It'd take me four days driving 10 hours per day to get there."

According to my math, you're kind of a pussy for a Porshe driver. Aren't those things known for their accelerators?


And I'm also known for speeding tickets.. Any more of those and I won't be driving anywhere!

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Message 18/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  06:05 PM     Edit: 21-Dec-04  |  06:05 PM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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lol - is it still a feeble 55mph limit in the USA then!? (mirthful chuckle)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 19/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  06:10 PM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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btw, did anyone see that fucking EVO on top gear!!... jesus!

that show is getting really good with all those crazy items like the race to switzerland, that was classic

damn!.... y'know it's hard times in the ent' world when the only show on TV that slags off products and has an actual opinion is fucking Top Gear  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 20/37                 Date: 21-Dec-04  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: PCH roadtrip musings


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top gears the nutz

im not a complete petrol head, but i reckon its still the best bit of tv around just now defo

that evo fq 400 - they reckon the fq officailly stands for 'fuckin quick' lol

the porche for under 1500 rubees chal;lenge last week was brilliant too


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