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Subject: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Jun-04  @  08:52 PM   -   Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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This is the spider that lives at the bottom of our garden!

Espeially for Broken Silence ya big wuss!

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Message 11/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

SignalRunners - BLU

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Oh, and DO NOT post that pic if you find it!

lol, im sposed to be emigrating to either Us or Oz with wife in next couple years, and i just scored Usa off the list! ^^^


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Message 12/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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heh. dude...Oz has the WORST spiders in the fkcin world!

Funnel Web? Can be pretty aggressive too

the one hidin behind the clock..damn I wish I could find that pic

I think the spider is called a Huntsman...and there are many varieties, same with the FW spider

the pics I posted...those are taken INSIDE my fcking house, dude!

oh, and:

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Message 13/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:46 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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this one too. outside thank god

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Message 14/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

SignalRunners - BLU

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That last pic, couldnt you have put a coin, ruler or something in the pic to measure against to settle my overactive imagination- its thumbnail sized right? right? LOL

Most bad ass insect thing in UK is a pissed off Bumble Bee!


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Message 15/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  02:39 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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that last one was a black widow, no? when I was 2 we lived out by Edwards Airforce Base in Lancaster and there were black widows and scorpions all over the place. whee!! the first ones influx posted look like wolf spiders... they can get pretty big and eat up all kinds of bugs, mostly harmless but if one does bite you it'll raise a welt. around here you can get brown recluses which don't look so bad but the area around the bite goes necrotic and a big patch of tissue literally gets eaten away, very nasty.

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Message 16/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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yeah, last one was a Black Widow. A pretty fckin big one, too

legspan about 1.25" or so...

d...you think those big ones are wolf spiders? thats it? I didnt realize they got that big

heh..brown recluse...those can do some damage fo SHO!

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Message 17/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  03:03 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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cant find the damn pic of the one with the clock

its a Huntsman Spider though. google it

fck..in my search I found a series of pics of a guy that got bit on the inner thigh by a brown recluse

I wont post em. suffice it to say they were nasty

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Message 18/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  04:31 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!


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I say sandra bernhard is the fuggliest of all that have been posted. One L I don't miss. Spiders are generally pretty cool though.

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Message 19/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  06:19 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!



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I've seen wolf spiders with like a 3 inch legspan. most of 'em are a lot smaller than that but their back markings are pretty distinctive. they spin a tunnel-like web and sit back inside it. they also molt and you can find their old exoskeleton that they've crawled out of. suckers are fast too!

I knew a cokehead years ago who had a big chunk missing from his belly from a brown recluse bite. yuck! almost as nasty as that sandra photo.

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Message 20/47                 Date: 26-Jun-04  @  07:50 AM   -   RE: Spiders Spiders!!!!!

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

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She's so hot!

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