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Subject: NO nose job

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Jun-04  @  02:08 PM     Edit: 16-Jun-04  |  02:10 PM   -   NO nose job


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we are born sinful

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Message 11/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  02:22 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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oh thats just STUPID though. cant disagree there.
"world" anything!

what other countries even PLAY baseball? Japan...who else? "The World Series" when its all american teams.


and football? STUPID

but...Im not a fan of team sports anyway.

our cars are too big, yes...and our corporations are ruthless.

Id love to see all this change. Actually starting to think some of it might, but ya never know.

but the boob job thing...seriously...are we the only ones?

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Message 12/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  03:46 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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i'd rather the girl who saved her $7000 to spend on some cool-ass junk
like food and plug-ins.
blank cd-rs.

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Message 13/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  04:05 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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It's very sad,education is desparately needed.

The vile specimens who perform these operations should be pilloried.

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Message 14/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  04:51 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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right, but a society who encourages/promotes/expects ought to be scolded as well.

me personally, I think theyre nasty

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Message 15/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  09:12 AM   -   RE: NO nose job



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Influx - actually everything I wrote came straight out of a Michael Moore book. Fact. He's an American. As I say, its not the people but the culture.

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Message 16/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  10:30 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Influx, no mate, there is no boob job "thing" amongst our teenage girls (yet!)

They're too busy fucking and getting drunk whatever their breast size...

Besides, teenage girls in this country have been growing bigger tits year upon year now I don't think they need it (girls NEVER had large norks the way they do now, when I was a nipper.. and I feel quite bitter about this so there!)

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Message 17/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  10:59 AM   -   RE: NO nose job


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hormones in your food, too, eh?

and clever..just cuz Moore said it doesnt make it NOT cliche and stupid

fck that guy and his basket full of contradiction. the way some of you "leftists" hold him up as some sort of paradigm is fcking disgusting

what about chomksy (sorry, but...yet another idol in the newcomer leftist world) or better yet Zinn?

I'll say it again: fck Michael Moore. Sure, he's controversial, but only to make money off the machine he so vehemently rails against

the hypocrisy is nauseating.

in any case...sure, we're idiots, but so are you. get over it

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Message 18/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  12:23 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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What really kills me is I prefer girls who don't have huge breasts. That's a double wammy because these girls are doing something brainless and in my eyes making themselves less desirable. And this is all about me isn't it.

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Message 19/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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Boobies. Definitely a point of discussion. There's a damn fine spectrum of breasts here in england at the moment. The more clement weather means the average male has a much higher percentage chance of (discretely) observing the range of breasts on offer too...

Not that that's all there is to life, but what the fuck else is one to do whilst braving uk public transport (day-in-day-out) in between reading a book or listening to tunes?

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Message 20/53                 Date: 17-Jun-04  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: NO nose job


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There's a real shortage of big tits in England at the moment because they're all over in Portugal.

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