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Subject: London gets hit by terrorist attack

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Original Message                 Date: 07-Jul-05  @  10:57 AM   -   London gets hit by terrorist attack


Posts: 1128

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Bomb blasts at Kings Cross, Aldgate, Edgeware Road, 2 other stations. ALso 5 buses have been blown up. TImely the day after the Olympics bid. The entire tube system has been shut down and they have declared a state of emergency in London.

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Message 11/27                 Date: 07-Jul-05  @  04:30 PM     Edit: 07-Jul-05  |  04:31 PM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Jesus! We (myself and two other members of my company) were supposed to be in Holborn for a system performance review today and we would have been in Kings Cross around the time they were going off! Thanks to system problems (which, until today, were causing us some real stress), we had to reschedule for next week.

Really puts things in perspective.

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Message 12/27                 Date: 07-Jul-05  @  05:55 PM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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Well from the bombers point of view it makes perfect sense they are doing it to get attention and the whole worlds attention is on Britland and the with the olympics coming there people will be thinking hard about the security issues.

It was well planned all done within an hour and it exposes the true vulnerability of London.They don't have enough cops and cameras to stop shit happening and they never will.

They've been expecting it since 11/9 but London has had bombs go off before and it has never buckled,fuck the Nazis bombarded the shit out of it and it just hardened the Londoners attitude I expect the same thing will happen here.Life might get tougher for Asian looking people as a result.

Extremely saddening not only the tragic loss of life and limb but all the political squawking that goes on after such horrible events..

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Message 13/27                 Date: 07-Jul-05  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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Is everyone at dancetech alright and accounted for? I hope everyone is. Shame that this happened in London now.

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Message 14/27                 Date: 08-Jul-05  @  04:38 AM     Edit: 08-Jul-05  |  04:42 AM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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*something about cheesy snacks here*

or was it marmite sitar?

thing that strikes me is all these 'world leaders' all stepping up to condemn this 'attack on democracy' when this shit happens every other day in iraq and elsewhere and you don't hear a peep.

where was the outcry when a million people were getting slaughtered in rwanda?

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Message 15/27                 Date: 08-Jul-05  @  05:58 AM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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Darfur is happening right now and fuck all is being done about it.What little attention was being pointed in that direction evaporated when those bombs went off in London.

I shudder to think what new measures to combat terrorism these specimens that think they govern will come up with next.

Does anybody seriously believe that the protectors of privelige are going to save the world?While they jaunt around to luxury talking shops the ordinary punter,on the streets of London and Baghdad,pays the price for the decisions the high heid yins(high head ones) make

Where was the referendum on the War in Iraq?

I mean these "leaders" will offer referendums on things like EU treaties but somehow whether or not to go to War doesn't qualify as being important enough for a referendum.

They know the answer they would get that's why they don't ask.

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Message 16/27                 Date: 08-Jul-05  @  08:59 AM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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I am watching the spin, the need for tightened this or more expenditure that. Also at the G8 agenda and rhetoric coming out of that. Of course time passing without events means increased justification for redlights, none of that now -Has anyone claimed responsibility or are we assuming...that it was pissed french olympians pulling some fast vengince

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Message 17/27                 Date: 08-Jul-05  @  06:10 PM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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It was marmite beds.

Well I hope everyone is ok. seems to be.

Someone told me that a part of the reason New York didn't get the Olympics, and it's not the only part, is that it would be too difficult for many countrymen to secure visas, either as athletes or attendees. Chances are we'd have held the 2012 blindfolded Olympics in Guantanamo.

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Message 18/27                 Date: 09-Jul-05  @  08:37 AM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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pict wrote:

Darfur is happening right now and fuck all is being done about it.

No Anglos, no Oil, no Strategic Interest, no care.


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Message 19/27                 Date: 09-Jul-05  @  11:15 AM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack


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it's terrible and really it's put the nail in the coffin of UN credibility. Pointless bunch of halfassed weak unelected beaurocrats playing at world politik.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 20/27                 Date: 09-Jul-05  @  01:10 PM     Edit: 09-Jul-05  |  03:05 PM   -   RE: London gets hit by terrorist attack

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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And now we start to see the fearfull and uneducated response. Friends of mine live in Harehills and Armley in Leeds and apparently ason attacks and violence are already being directed towards Muslims and Sikhs.

BTW. Why is my avatar not showing up?

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