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Subject: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Jan-05  @  07:19 PM   -   Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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yup! - Prince Harry sorts out a new look for the Sandhurst passing-out parade!



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  07:35 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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there gernan inbreeds anyway when it comes down to it. Lizzie needs to have a word in his chaperones ear for sure- but- what the man ape said defo

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Message 12/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Prince Harry is still only 20 years old though. I'm not making excuses for him but when I was 20, I was an idiot. And did some stupid things that I know look back on and cringe at.

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Message 13/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look

Bol Toper

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Influx, I think you need to study your history if you think the allies killed as many innocents as the nazis. Sure there were incidents where civillians were deliberately targeted, eg Dresden and the A-bombs on Japan. But in the numbers killed there were a few hundred thousand. And those were attacks on countries with which we were at war. The nazis deliberately killed about 10 million innocents. Not in acts of war, but murder of people in their own country and countries they had conquered. Murder based on racial hatred. That is what the swastika stands for and that's why it's so offensive. Harry has had the best education money can buy, paid for by us taxpayers, so he should know that. We all do stupid things when we're 20 but we're not representing our countries ruling class. If he accepts the money and priveledge then he has to accept the responsibility that goes with it.
Still, looking on the bright side, every time one of the cunts fucks up like this brings us closer to the day we'll be rid of them.


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Message 14/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  10:57 AM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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really Dave, get your facts straight!

"they're german inbreds anyway" heh... true dat!

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Message 15/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  12:04 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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I never understood the whole royal family thing anyway. A graphic artist in a place I used to work had framed pictures of the British royal family all over and around his desk. This guy was an American. I think he visited England a couple of times and decided he'd adopt them as his own family or something. Was too funny.

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Message 16/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  01:51 PM     Edit: 14-Jan-05  |  03:54 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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"Wha' the deil hae ye gotten for a king but a wee bit German lairdie" from Hanover to Saxe-Coburg-Gotha


The entire aristocracy of the world would be living on old thistles, fresh nettles, and whatever they could lick of my cows arse if I could decide what to do with them.

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Message 17/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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depends on if you believe the numbers thrown around in holocaust propaganda. Facts? subjective term

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Message 18/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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"holocaust propaganda" ... here we go again

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Message 19/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  06:08 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Nah even if the numbers are off by a bit, which I doubt because the Nazis kept very good records,the fact remains they were disposing of people they thought were racially inferior to them.That ideology was what most of the guys fighting the Nazis were opposed to and that little prick dishonoured their sacrifice by wearing that arm band.The Brits were literally fighting for their lives against the Nazis,so that wee shit should be publicly birched for his disrespect.

Ruling Class!Suck my ASS!

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Message 20/32                 Date: 14-Jan-05  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: Prince Harry redesigns UK army look


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Im certainly not saying the 3rd reich didnt need to be stopped, and I see the point about the disrespect.

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